Tuesday, 31 May 2011

So You THINK You’re A Loony!?

From “The Goodies Book of (Criminal) Records” (by Bill Oddie, Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor, Sphere Books, 1975) # (Click for the full-sized version. And we’d post more images from the book, but cramming it onto our rubbish scanner would probably ruin the book. Anyone...

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Telly Savalas Looks at Portsmouth

From 1981. Excellent....

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Telly (Book) Selly Time (and COMPETITION)

INT. A SHINY HOME SHOPPING TV STUDIO. MEDIOCRITY'S PAUL ROSS IS WRAPPING UP AN ITEM WHERE HE SELLS A MYSTERIOUS CHROME SPHERE CONTAINING JUST ONE BUTTON Paul Ross: ...and so, the same button we used to switch on the device can also be used to switch off the device? Resident...

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

BBC Hyphen Update

Thanks to viewer Paul Twist for making us aware of another big name at the BBC bringing back The BBC Hyphen. That’s right, Alan Sugar from BBC One’s weekly twatzoo The Apprentice has also brought The BBC Hyphen back out of the retirement home of punctuation, in a tweet...

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

TV Comeback of the Year

In the words of Eminem, guess who’s back, back again? Excellent, eh? Next Monday at 9pm on BBC Two, All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace, the new series from Adam Curtis, the best documentary maker in the world whose name isn’t an anagram of “Nojh Gepril”. While it...

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Eurovision 2011 LIVE BLOG

It’s that time again. We’ll be both livetweeting and liveblogging the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. Exciting, isn’t it? No, it is. IT IS. Latest entries at the bottom of the page. [19:58] The BBC are deeming this SO important, they’re using their “Look at all the brilliant...

Eurovision 2011: Play Along At Home…

…with our handy checklist. Tick off each of these events as they happen, and have your enjoyment of the event improved immeasurably. Live blog at 8pm!...

Friday, 13 May 2011

Saturday. 8pm. Eurovision 2011 Live Blog.

This Saturday, at 8pm…oh. We’ve rather shot our metaphorical load with that title. Anyway, yes, Saturday at 2000 hours, we’ll be kicking off our 3rd Annual Eurovision Live Blog between here and Twitter. The former when there are entertaining asides too darn long to cram into 140 characters, the latter when we want more than seven people to read what...

Friday, 6 May 2011

How To Be Afraid Of… The Dimblebys

[Note: this post originally published on another blog we used to do. We don’t think we crossposted it to here at the time. What with AV sadly getting a kicking in the polls today, this is a nice enough time to shove out a repeat, as it were. BrokenTV: Now the UKGold at 2am...

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

When Advertising Was Good (The Top Ten Heineken Commercials 1978-1994)

As anyone who knows us will attest, we can be contrary old sods at times. Offer us chocolate, we’ll say we prefer cheese. Offer us a Dairylea triangle, and we’ll insist on a Twix. Bang on at length about how little interest you have in The Royal Wedding and why should WE be...

Monday, 2 May 2011


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