Saturday, 23 December 2017

A Christmas Gift To You All: 1 Hour and 20 Minutes of Santavision

Yeah. This was a thing.

One of the most demented channels ever to appear on the Sky EPG. Every night throughout the festive season, a luckless drama graduate (presumably) desperate to get a gig on TV (almost certainly) would don a Santa costume and try to fill airtime for four long hours each night. Parents could text in and nominate their offspring for a place on Santa's 'nice' list, or for any kids still not toeing the line at home, his 'naughty' list.

Yep, psychological warfare conducted via a £1.50 text message and a suspiciously thin Santa. To the best of my memory, it lasted through 2008 and 2009 before, oh I don't know, the real Santa filed a DMCA complaint or something. And all things considered, that's a shame. That first decade of Sky Digital still had room for curios like Santavision - they might not have been good, but at least they were more interesting than the dozens of channels clinging onto their moderate ratings grabbers and shoving them out on an endless loop. Generally NCIS or CSI:SVU.

Anyway, here's 80 minutes of pure unfettered Santavision from 2008, with original adverts and everything. Apologies for the slightly shoddy video quality, but I wasn't going to waste a whole DVD-R recording it in Short Play mode.


Sunday, 3 December 2017

Which Premier League Team Is The Most Followed On Twitter? The Answer Won't Surprise You (But Other Bits Of This List Containing Every Team In Britain And Ireland Might.) (A Bit.)

Twitter, eh? It’s a funny old game, what with so many people taking it way too seriously, to an extent that bursts of pure unfettered vitriol and occasional violence can ensue. While it may have been founded with purely Corinthian ideals at the core, it ultimately became a gentleman’s game adopted by too many ruffians for any unabashed enjoyment. Those becapped early days aren’t coming back. Especially not now there’s money in it.

And yet, despite all the droning, the dimwittery and the dickishness, enough of that core remains to keep us coming back for more. It’s often not pretty, participants often spend too long rolling around the dirt in fictional anguish, but there are always those wonderful characters who drag it from the mudbath, wipe away the drek and in doing so bring a cheer to our heart and a spring to our step. When your side wins, it’s wonderful. And when your side doesn’t win, there’ll be another battle along in a few days. And that’s what keeps us coming back. Even though Piers Morgan seems determined to ruin it for everyone. 


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