Wednesday, 27 September 2006

Waterlogged Pitch

So, as is tradition every five years or so, the BBC have announced some new idents for BBC One. As part of the tradition, several message board posters and the Daily Heil are ready to whine loudly about the fact the BBC has spent some money on something that isn't Radio 4, and...

Friday, 15 September 2006

Rubbish Films That Are Great: Number 2

Only about a year after the first part of RFTAG (we're still getting hits from searches for "Beverly D'Angelo shower" y'know), here comes part two. And it's a cracker.Night Of The Comet (1984)Just look at this plot summary: "Two sisters, high school seniors in the early 1980s,...

Thursday, 14 September 2006

Excellent Adult Swim News

Tom Goes To The Mayor is currently showing as part of Bravo's Adult Swim strand. This is excellent news, as we mentioned in the headline just up there."This is the sound of my voice."It's a wonderful barely animated show (with occasional live action bits) about a well-meaning...

Friday, 1 September 2006

BrokenTV's Belated Tribute To Patrick Allen

1927-2006For the benefit of those who didn't know (quite likely, as most newspapers didn't really mention it), Patrick Allen recently passed away. In case you're not sure who he is (you might be one of the people who still stumble across this site looking for information on...

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