Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Yes, We (s)Can.

More jpegged gems from the archive, this time from the first issue of short-lived Comedy Review magazine. All from March 1996.

[Update: Picture hosting now moved to xs.to, hopefully removing the chance of images sometimes redirecting to porn sites instead. Erm, sorry about that. ImageVenue clearly sucks ass. On a live-streaming ass-sucking website.]

Some guys called 'Matt Lucas' and 'David Walliams'. They sure seem like quite an inventive duo. Not for them the tedium of relentlessly trotting out the same five tired half-jokes on... er, oh.

Richard Herring's photo tour of his home town, Cheddar. That's more like it. Sorry about the quality of some of these scans. We don't want to bugger up our magazine by forcing it flat onto the scanner too hard, you see.

A reprint of a classic Bill Hicks interview. Also includes a transcript of his banned Letterman appearance. If Comedy Review was published nowadays, there'd probably be an episode guide of "forgotten gem Meet Ricky Gervais" or something, where they try to pretend it was anything other than terrible.

A couple of shows called Sinfeild and Father Fred, or something.

A great big post-Bruges Stephen Fry interview. Well worth a gander.

Lastly, the excellent Peter Baynham column, the thing we miss most about Comedy Review. Here, Peter attacks lazy, generic comedy. Now, admittedly, it didn't have much of an impact (c.f. BBC Three) but a nice piece nonetheless.

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7 .:

grrm said...

Great stuff, folks.
Strewth! Even Sky One back then, with barely 2 shows to rub together, could afford to banish Seinfeld to the 11pm Sunday night death slot.

scissorkicks said...

Er, you know clicking on those links sometimes takes you via an ad for porn webcams, right?

Mark X said...

Really? I'd uploaded them all using the 'family safe' option on ImageVenue, that shouldn't be happening (I'm using Adblock Plus, so I don't see the banners).

I'll move them over to somewhere else when I get a minute.

scissorkicks said...

It wasn't a banner - it took me to a totally separate page trying to get me to sign up to porny webcams saying it would take me to my content presently. I was at work... oops :)

Mark X said...

Images now relinked to a less tawdry pic host.

Anonymous said...

I bought a few issues of Comedy Review back in the day (maybe even all of them; it really was short-lived, wasn't it?). That particular promo shot of Walliams reclining in his leopard-print briefs is indelibly, unwantedly burnt onto my retinae.

I seem to remember there was some sort of free tape included. Matt Welcome (last seen propping up the bill at a Jongleurs near you) may have been on it. Maybe you could do a series of MP3s of routines by circuit comedians in the days before relentless touring and obscurity took their respective tolls?

Word verification: "peeden". Golden house of ill-repute.

Mark X said...

I don't have any of those tapes any more (unless they're lurking in a box in the attic at my parents' house), so sadly that's unlikely. It was good then magazines used to give away free comedy tapes, though. The first time I bought Loaded (ish 4, I think) was because of the free stand-up comedy tape stuck to the cover. Arthur Smith was on it, maybe some early Eddie Izzard. Can't remember much else, though.


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