The ITV Sport website seems to have had a bit of a facelift, and with it a move to proper Flash video. That’s good news for us, for a couple of reasons. One, the embedded video player they used to use just resulted in us getting a Directshow error. But the more interesting Two...
Monday, 30 March 2009
Friday, 27 March 2009
Comedy Showdown II: Horne and Corden and Hale and Pace
It’s that time again. Horne and Corden (series one, episode three, BBC Three 2009) versus Hale and Pace (series four, episode one, LWT 1991). The first five sketches from each. Best sketch of each round wins a point. What with H&C soundly ruining our comparison of...
At Last, A Worthy (if lo-budget) Successor To The Friday Night Armistice
Remember when we posted up The Daily Show's Jim Cramer interview as our TV Moment Of 2009 Already? Well, we've just watched a close runner-up.Excellent. And not only is the clip in question making a tremendously valid point, as well as providing us with a sense of having scored a vicarious victory over The Man while we're sat in front of the telly...
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Ah, good old UKTV and their channel rebrands. In amongst their stupidly named channel relaunches from the past few years (UKTVG2, UKTVG2+1 – quite possibly the ugliest name ever given to a digital channel, Dave, Blighty, Gee Oh Ell Dee), they’ll occasionally chuck in the odd...
Still Not Very Exciting Chart of the Day
The ratings are in for ep two of Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle, so there’s just time to chuck them into the BrokenTV Numbertron, and see how it measures up against the second outing for Horne & Corden’s Half-Arsed Tribute To Smith & Jones (or whatever it’s called): ...
Saturday, 21 March 2009
It's BrokenTV's Magical Music Machine
Now BrokenTV has it's very own radio station. Well, non-collaborative Spotify playlist. Fans of bands beginning with each letter of the alphabet, from Annie, to Biz Markie, to Cake, to Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip, to Earl Brutus, to Francoise Hardy, to Grandmaster Flash, to Helen Love, to Interpol, to Jackson 5, to Kimya Dawson, to Ladyhawke, to M83,...
Friday, 20 March 2009
Lesbian Vampire Killers vs The Boys In Blue
With their show largely consisting of jokes based on the differing body shapes of the pair, stereotypically camp gay characters and characters from popular culture transplanted into comically unsuitable movie franchises, it’s fair to say the antics of Horne and Corden could...
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Unexciting Chart Of The Day
According to MediaGuardian, the first episode of Horne & Corden was a huge hit, attracting 817,000 viewers to the opening show of their heavily promoted sketch-based comedy. Six days later, the same website declares Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle to have “started poorly”,...
Monday, 16 March 2009
Tucker’s Luck (y To Even Be Asked For His Opinion On The Matter, If You Ask Us)
For days after the Jon Stewart/Jim Cramer discomfort-fest, as one might expect, the US news networks were falling over themselves to get people chattering inanely about it. One of the people all too willing to chip in on CNN’s ‘Reliable Sources’ show was former CNN pundit Tucker...
Sunday, 15 March 2009
The background: We’ll assume everyone already knows about The Daily Show, and how it manages to put forward some of the most searingly insightful journalism on US television, cunningly disguising it amongst swearing and dick jokes so that people watch it. Recently, Jon Stewart (and his writing team) took apart a rant from CNBC’s Rick Santelli (full...
Friday, 13 March 2009
Quick Comic Relief-based update

Don’t worry, we’re not about to slag off what is after all an excellently worthwhile charitable endeavour – plus it means Harry Hill’s TV Burp is on BBC One at 7.10pm, so it’s great by default. This is a quick update pointing everyone toward top illustrator (and purveyor...
The Top 50 TVTimes Genre Icons of the 1970s: The Final Chapter

This is it. The final furlong. Soon it will be over, and we’ll have to think up another way of writing about television, without writing about current television programmes. But first, an advert for electronic organs, fronted by Tommy Cooper:
On with the listings: