Saturday, 31 July 2010

Tumblr and Fall

What with BrokenTV being keenly up-to-date with all manner of online developments, we’ve decided to join Tumblr. We suspect it might just be the next big internet thing. (Reader’s voice: “This isn’t 2007, you know.”) Here are some of the things we’ve thrown on there so far:...

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Little-Seen TV Merchandise From The 1980s

These seemed like a better idea when we started doing them. Based on this post at UnrealityMag. ...

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

The Five Most Pointless Types of ‘News’ on Digital Spy

We realise, this is going to come as a shock to any readers who’ve just awoken from a twenty year long coma, but there is a worrying surplus of “entertainment news” these days. Of course, by “entertainment news”, we mean “painfully desperate rehashing of press releases”. Back...

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