Sunday, 31 October 2010

Hidden (YouTube) Pleasures: Part One

In a discovery that fills us with three parts excitement and two parts simmering resentment*, there seem to be a growing number of fondly remembered, though never commercially released, TV shows on YouTube. This is a marvellous thing, so here’s a quick rundown of our latest...

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

You Have Not Been Watching

"I'm head of the class / I'm popular / I'm a quarter back / I'm popular / My mom says I'm a catch / I'm popular / I'm never last picked / I got a cheerleading chick." So sang 90s alt. rock also-rans Nada Surf in their 1996 offering “popular”, but what about those at the bottom...

Sunday, 17 October 2010

TV Listings Fail

Oh, ITV....

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