Monday, 20 February 2012

The Top Fifteen-To-Thirteen Simpsons Episodes OF ALL TIME

Well, at least the couch gag was a nice touch. As for the rest of the 500th episode… well, the above caption (which closed the episode) pretty much sums it up. Anyway, on with happier times in Springfield. It’s the next part of our rundown! Of the best (etc.)! 15. Krusty...

Sunday, 19 February 2012

The Simpsons 500th Episode Spectacular: The Top 20 Simpsons Episodes Ever! (Part One)

Hi, I’m BrokenTV’s Mark X. You may remember me from such things as “bitching about 10 O’Clock Live on Twitter” and “writing a television blog that was quite good for three weeks in 2007”. So, the 500th episode of The Simpsons airs in the USA tonight. PREDICTION: it’ll be...

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Tweet Of The Day


Sunday, 5 February 2012

It’s Superbowl Sunday So Here Are Ten Superb Owls (Five Super Bowl XLVI Commercials)

(Yes, we know everyone on Twitter has made weak “Superb Owl” jokes today. We did that joke on Twitter three years ago though, so we are best.) NUMBER SIX: The Owl From The BBC Micro ‘B’ Fluttering into prominence in December 1981, Alan The Acornsoft Owl was an instant hit...

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