Thursday, 31 January 2008

Jeremy Beadle, MBE (1948-2008)

We were going to pen our own tribute to Jeremy Beadle, who sadly died on the 30th of January, but the tribute at TV Cream says pretty much what we'd want to say perfectly. While he may well have been a perennial easy target for many a tiresome wag, as if becoming one of Britain's...

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

"My Laser Nipples Will Make Short Shrift Of This Sheet Metal"

[Advert Man is in a small, confined, dark place, with two slender beams of light doing their pitiful best to intrude on the blackness. He tries his actorly best to look edgy and uncomfortable throughout the following statement.]Advert Man: "This is the actual size of your nasal...

Monday, 21 January 2008

A Fun Office Game For You To Try (Ages 2 and Up)

Another quick update. Do you work in an office with at least one other person and at least one computer connected to the internet? Do you ever need something to break the staggering tedium of working life? But have your resident IT Thought Police put a block on websites that could be deemed "entertaining"?If you're anything like us, you're likely to...

Promises, Promises

Hey, all. You'll have to excuse the tardiness regarding posting over the last week or so, which has been due to Other Stuff. But here's something we just couldn't resist pointing out. Now, we haven't got around to watching Moving Wallpaper or Echo Beach yet (they're on our eternally...

Monday, 14 January 2008

Report: "Britons 'want Del Boy TV return'"

No no no no no.For reasons known only to them, polling company OnePoll have asked 3000 Britons which TV programme they would like to see brought back to our screens. Neatly ignoring the fact that if you were to stop someone in the street and ask them "which television programme would you like to see return to our screens" they're actually going to...

Thursday, 10 January 2008


We're still part-way though a proper and exciting update, but a couple of thoughts have just come to light.THOUGHT ONE.Today, we've discovered that the BBC's Freedom Of Information initiative doesn't include allowing the likes of us to view any of their Duty Logs. Bah. There goes a series of thrilling articles about genuine public opinion on tabloid-invented...

Monday, 7 January 2008

"The BBC: Offering a Layer of Cream on Trifles Since 12th October 2006". Oh, and Nuclear War.

Thanks to the spiffing Eyedropper, we've just discovered about the BBC's Freedom Of Information Act site. Got a question about the BBC? You could ask Points Of View or the Radio Times and hope they select your letter. Or, you could fire off a missive to Room...

Sunday, 6 January 2008

Anti-News: "Idiots Are Misled Easily" Reports Daily Mail

Here's a new riff for us - trying to find the most pathetic example of non-news about television. Kicking things off, it's the good old Daily Mail.Complaints have poured into the BBC over Jools Holland's New Year countdown television show - because the apparently "live" programme...

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

BrokenTV's CultureCheck '08

We've just remembered. What with it being 2008, we're now precisely eleven miles from what is nominally The Officially Most Cultured Place In Europe This Year. We've just checked on Google Earth. So: how much of this culture has seeped southwards and is now coursing through...

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

The Broken Tellies 2007: Telly About Telly (Warning: Contains Graphs)

Happy new 2008, everyone. On with the awards. Best Telly Programme About Telly 2007 The Nominations Harry Hill's TV Burp (ITV1) As pointed out on this very blog, during this year's series of TV Burp, it was (at the time) Britain's most watched comedy show. This was probably...

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