Thursday, 28 February 2008

Television The Man Doesn't Want YOU To See (And How To See It)

Listeners to BrokenTV may remember our commenting on Shaun Micallef's long-awaited return to antipodean screens late last year. A show some lazy commentators might refer to as "The Day Today meets The Daily Show meets The Micallef P(r)ogram(me)", especially if they're as lazy...

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Movie of the Day: I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With

Imagine a world where characters from excellent US sitcoms go about their normal lives without any cameras being present. Jeff from Curb Your Enthusiasm is kicked out by Susie, and relocates to Chicago to try and relive his early success as an improvisational comedian, whilst...

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

About Damned Time, And How Not To Say Things In Magazines

Finally. After being sat on the shelf for what seems like ages (it had previously been scheduled to broadcast at the end of December), Love Soup is back for a second series. An ever-welcome slice of Renwickalia will be screened every Saturday night at 9pm, from the first of...

Monday, 18 February 2008

Reasons To Be Cheerful. I! T! V!

We've got around to watching some telly. Telly that isn't Sky Sports News, Lost or repeats of The Sopranos.Of course, you'd expect that to be the absolute minimum requirement of a website dedicated to television, preferably with added "writing about some of it". Well, it does...

Monday, 4 February 2008

The BrokenTellies 2007: Slight Return

We hadn't forgotten about this. Here are a few more awards from the increasingly inaccurately named 2007 Broken Tellies:Single Worst Moment of Television in 2007Patrick Kielty performing the lyrics to Gold Digga, a capella, for a good thirty seconds or so on Live At The Apollo....

Cripes, Not Another New Template. How About A Decent Update For Once?

Guilty as charged. But we've just noticed the last one (i.e. the green and black one) made our eyes hurt when looking at the blog on our work PC, so in the ocular interests of the viewing several, we've changed it again. Yes, we're rubbish.Oh, and another thing worth mentioning: now redirects to the blog (because we've finally rescued...

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