Wednesday, 30 July 2008


Apols for the paucity of updates recently, but we'd accidentally watched this advert and duly had to scrub our eyeballs with industrial bleach in a desperate attempt at un-desecrating our peepers. Doing that sort of stupid thing makes it really hard to use the internet, what...

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

That UKTV Press Release In Full (With English Subtitles)

UKTV unveils its new entertainment channel brands – Watch, GOLD and Alibi [Translation: "UKTV is renaming some channels."] UKTV today announces the launch of three distinct channel brands [Translation: "UKTV has announced that it is renaming some channels."]: Watch (previously...

Friday, 11 July 2008

The Return Of Knock-Off Nigel

There's a new advert by enemies of logic The Industry Trust for IP Awareness (or, as they seem to be calling themselves this week, The Industry Trust), featuring that lovable Knock-Off Nigel character that failed to catch on with the British public last year. This time the action,...

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Blue Wednesday

We don't really expect anyone else is getting anything out of all these, but it keeps us happy. image from VintagePhoto Cibo Matto / Blue Train Flunk / Blue Monday Elastica / Blue (Donna's 4 Track Demo) The White Stripes / Blue Orchid Half Man Half Biscuit / Blue Badge...

Tuesday, 8 July 2008


While we're doing themed compilations, let's do all eight colours in the palette of a ZX Spectrum. We've done INK 0, we'll come back to blue later on, so now it's time for INK 2 - Picture taken from Square America The tracks: Red Hot / Jurassic 5 Red Death At 6:14 (Live)...

Monday, 7 July 2008

Black Is The New, Erm, Yes (Themed Muxtape Collection One)

For no reason at all (other than that we haven't the time to post anything else worthwhile right now), here is the first of what may well turn out to be the first of almost several themed Muxtape collections. It revolves around the colour black, and not in a depressing My Chemical...

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

When They Were Funny

Here's a secret internet fact only a few people know about. Providing you've been a good little boy or girl, if you close your eyes really, really tightly and wish especially hard, anything you want will magically appear on YouTube. This evening, we ate all of our vegetables without once pulling a face, and as a result, our wishes of YouTube...

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