Stealing an image directly from The Vine’s interview with Shaun Micallef to use at the start of this review probably wouldn’t be legal, would it? But what if we took a screenshot of part of The Vine’s website that happened to have a photo of Shaun Micallef on it? Surely...
Friday, 27 November 2009
Thursday, 26 November 2009
YouTube Thing And Album Of The Day
We've been listening to the new Shaun Micallef CD plugged in the above Rove interview. Except, Micallef being Micellef, he instead plugged a wholly fictional album, and brought with him a copy of The Best Of The Smiths to display.
The actual proper album is a really rather splendid "old-school" (if you will) comedy album like what Peter Sellers...
Monday, 23 November 2009
Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out In The Middle Of BBC News 24 – It’s The Digital Switchover!
Not one, but two disappointing YouTube-based updates on the same day? We’re spoiling you, we really are. So, the Big Digital Switch-Off is now underway, and given the number of posters featuring That Robot Formerly Voiced By Matt Lucas But Which Has Since Become Mute (possibly...
The Unsettling North American Television Ident Awards
What is it with pre-90s US television networks, eh? They’re not content with merely having channel identities that look like the corporate logo of a sinister megaglobal corporation pumping out robotic vigilantes that go wrong and kill everyone in early 1980s straight-to-VHS movies, no. They have to ramp up the chill factor my animating them badly and...
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Website(s) of the Week (and Competition Winner)
Firstly, we have a winner for our Spitting Image DVD Box Set competition. Step forward James Wallace. Expect the goodies in the post soon. Meanwhile, thanks to everyone else for entering. We wish we could have given each of you a prize, though not to the extent of actually going...
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Printed Pisstakery (Spitting Image Giveaway Part 3)
Today is the last day of our epic (by our workshy standards) Spitting Image giveaway. Providing you’re reading this before 11:59pm Sunday November 15th 2009, there’s still time to enter our competition in association with Details on how to enter are at the...
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Satira Virulenta del Látex (Spitting Image Giveaway Special, Part 2)
Slightly later than we'd envisioned due to circumstance, here's the second of our Spitting Image specials. Don't forget, thanks to our excellent chums at, you can walk away with (have sent to you in the post) a DVD box set of the first seven series of the...