A quick update before we dash out to watch Avatar 3D. 10. Burning Hearts – Aoba Sleeping One of the nicest surprises of the year, so fresh it’s yet to crop up on iTunes, and the band have yet to merit a Wikipedia entry (which rather messes up our research). A blissful number...
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
BrokenTV’s THTSOT 00s*: Number 26
(*Using the phrase “Top Television Shows Of The 00s Part [x]” each time really messed up the look of our RSS feed, you know.) Welcome back to the rundown. From this point on, we’ll be posting updates to the list one by one. This means you won’t have to wait so long for each...
Friday, 25 December 2009
BrokenTV’s Top 100 Television Shows Of The 00s: Part 10
Merry Festivus, one and all! In a special present to you all, here’s the next part of our big countdown. Admittedly, it’s not a brilliant present. More a three-pack of handkerchiefs than a full instrument set of Beatles Rock Band , if you will. But, hey, there’s a recession...
Monday, 21 December 2009
BrokenTV’s Top 100 Television Shows Of The 00s: Part 9
Look, we’re really sorry for the delay. We’d written a massive update last week, really we had, but then our dog went and ate our computer. Or something. Anyway, here are three thousand words about eight television programmes. Oh, and also, we’re aware all this is getting...
Saturday, 12 December 2009
BrokenTV’s Top 100 Television Shows Of The 00s: Part 8
Absolute proof that ITV (or more specifically, Granada) still has the power to create something utterly brilliant when it wants to. The plot of Pierrepoint is pretty much explained away by its international title, ‘The Last Hangman’. In this true story, Timothy Spall...
Friday, 11 December 2009
BrokenTV’s Top 100 Television Shows Of The 00s: Part 7
Into the TOP FIFTY we roar on our special critical moped, with us briefly pausing to remind patrons that only TV shows which began in the years 2000-2009 are getting included here, so don’t expect to see The Sopranos or The Daily Show or Countryfile. Yes, you read that correctly....
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
BrokenTV’s Top 100 Television Shows Of The 00s: Part 6
As we steam toward the halfway point of our rundown, here are numbers 54 to 51. We’ll try not to ramble on as much as we did yesterday. One thing that often irks us is when infuriating broadsheet columnists – such as Damian Thompson of the Torygraph – have a bit of a pop...