Sunday, 28 February 2010

Retreading Familiar Ground: Craig Ferguson and Stephen Fry

Yes, yes. We’ve spent a lot of time lately trying (forlornly, as it seems) to win everyone around to the brilliance of Craig “Creg Ferguson” Ferguson’s marvellous Late Late Show on CBS. But here, right here, is how far he’s prepared to take things. He’s not just content with fucking with the concept of TIME ITSELF (several of his recent shows have...

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Coming Soon From BBC Worldwide

Well, we now know what we want for Christmas. ...

Monday, 22 February 2010

The Sixth Best Television Programme Of The 00s

Hello to all the people who’ve visited here from the link on UK Resistance. This might not be the best update to try and judge the worth of the blog as a whole, because we’re going to spend an update thrashing around frantically in the waters of global politics. We’re normally...

Friday, 19 February 2010

The Seventh Best Television Programme Of The 00s

  Mainly because we’re a bit annoying, we love it when a television series makes you do a bit of mental legwork before you can properly appreciate it. Quite often, it’s obvious when this is happening – for example, every other person on the ‘web seems to be going on about...

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

These New Channels On Sky Are Getting Out Of Hand

(Click for full-sized Execovision.)...

Friday, 12 February 2010

The Eighth Best Television Programme Of The 00s

Go, Team Venture! Alongside BBC Four, our favourite new TV channel of the decade must surely be Adult Swim, an offshoot of Cartoon Network in the US. Originally a twice-weekly programming strand shown at night on the channel from 2001, it became a standalone channel of its...

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

The Ninth Best Television Programme of the 00s

Jambo, hepcats! You know, sometimes we find ourselves racked with self-doubt. Surely it can’t be the case we’re completely right about everything, especially when we pick up on telly programmes that don’t get broadcast in the UK, and we get all overexcited about how good they...

Friday, 5 February 2010

The Tenth Best Television Programme Of The 00s

You know you’re in the presence of a special television programme when it can include moments like this: “As I tried to kick a ball properly in front of the fit and the dying, it dawned on me how many words we have to express our contempt for others. Wazzock. Spanner. Ninny....

Recap: The 100th to 11th Greatest TV Shows Of The 00s

If we’re honest, there’s a decent chance at least some of you stopped paying attention for at least some of the time we were writing about the 11th to 100th best TV shows of the last decade. We know we did – we typed the summaries of numbers 24 to 27 completely at random with our eyes closed, so here’s hoping it made some sort of sense. Anyway, in...

Monday, 1 February 2010

SeeSaw: Virtual Tour

As recently reported, new video-on-demand service SeeSaw has now entered a month-long closed beta stage, and thanks to a complicated ruse involving disguises, carefully doctored door access cards, a bit of Tom-Cruise-in-Mission-Impossible-style lowering ourselves from the ceiling,...

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