Friday, 24 December 2010

The Top Ten Lookie-Likeys That Probably Don’t Get Much Work

“Don’t wanna be ignored at the door. We all look the same, we’re all lookalikes.” So sang criminally underrated German electropop band Tok Tok Vs Soffy O in their 2002 non-hit “The Lookalikes”. And do you know, they were right, pretty much everyone looks a bit like someone...

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Graph of the Day

In summary: On roads – “Eep”. On an empty work car park – “Wheeeeee!”...

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

The BrokenTV Awards 2010: Sneak Preview

THE WORST TELEVISION PROGRAMME OF 2010 IS GOING TO BE: TRAMADOL NIGHTS Yeah, no brainer really. If you’re going to be shocking, at least remember to be funny. A bit like this show from New Zealand, about a decade ago: img alt="" galleryimg="no" onload="var downlevelDiv = document.getElementById('a76a23c0-96e8-4607-b587-35c9320803a8');...

Monday, 20 December 2010

“The 1986 World Cup on the Moon?” It Must Be The Christmas 1973 TV Times!

We’ve chipped the icicles off the office computer to bring you the last of our glances at TVTimes gone by, and what could be better than a double Christmas issue with a cover that sums up the era perfectly? Hyuk-yuk-yuk. Or however one is supposed to spell Sid James’ guttural...

Friday, 17 December 2010

Meanwhile, In An Alternate Universe… (rpt)

So, the Christmas listings guide begin tomorrow, meaning the festive season is officially GO. And, to be fair, the schedule is quite a good one, with repeats of Rowan Atkinson Live and The Goodies scheduled over the next fortnight. In tribute to those, here’s a repeat of our...

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Mobile Mediocrity

Just a quick update, this. BrokenTV has now been tweaked to look 47% less horrible on your mobile phone or iThing. Admittedly, it’s a quick fix, so it still looks a bit rubbish. But, as it’s only nabbing the RSS feed for now, that’s to be expected. Still, at least this...

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Ar-Gosh (The Inflationally Adjusted 1985 and 1986 Argos Catalogues)

We could think of a pun for the title this time. Not a good one, though. So, slightly surprisingly for us, yesterday’s update on the 1976 Argos catalogue seems to have been really quite popular. We know this because there are several hits on our Feedjit page linked to something...

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

It’s The Argos Catalogue From 1976 And What The Things In It Cost Now After Accounting For Inflation!

We couldn’t think of a good pun for the title. Thanks to the utterly magnificent work of someone calling themselves Trippyglitters, Flickr now plays host to not one, not two, not four, but THREE complete Argos catalogues from the past. One from 1976, one from 1985 and one from...

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Exciting Free Gift For All Readers Inside

Way back in 2008, we ran a little contest over on the BeEx forum called Song Wars (no relation to the Adam & Joe thing of the same name). The rules were too complicated to run through in detail here, but it was basically a World Cup Of Liking Music – with group stages and...

Friday, 10 December 2010

To Russia With… Elton? It Must Be The Christmas 1980 Issue Of TV Times!

Okay, who had “December 8th” in the “Which Day Will BrokenTV Miss A Daily Update Sweepstake”? That tiny plastic bag of pound coins is all yours. We’re back now, and it’s time for another flip through a TV Times of yuletides past. To make things ever more exciting, inspired by...

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

If You Were Thinking Peter Kay, Twiggy and Jason Donovan Were Bad Enough…

…celebrity-fronted corporate chain store Christmas commercials didn’t used to be any better. img alt="" galleryimg="no" onload="var downlevelDiv = document.getElementById('3ec898bd-7ff7-4164-8cad-e96d0331735c'); downlevelDiv.innerHTML = "";" src=""...

Monday, 6 December 2010

“If It’s Tyne-Tees, Tell ‘Em I’m Not Working” (BBC North-East Xmas Tape 1986)

It just wouldn’t be December without us including some videos of BBC Christmas Tapes, would it? Here’s an interesting find – the BBC North-East Christmas tape from 1986. Warning: contains Bon Jovi. img alt="" galleryimg="no" onload="var downlevelDiv = document.getElementById('564b8d62-b2c4-411e-a25b-1430312cec09');...

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Max Bygraves’ Inland Revenue Bill and Bonnie Langford: It Must Be The Christmas 1977 Issue Of TV Times!

One of the generally accepted universal truths is that ITV Can’t Do Christmas Telly. This reasoning was probably more true than ever a few years ago, when the only noteworthy addition to ITV1’s Christmas Day line-up was a South Bank Show special on… Little Britain, a BBC show...

Saturday, 4 December 2010

“…and Rex Hamilton as Abraham Lincoln”

After the sad passing of Leslie Nielsen, we’ve spent quite a few enjoyable hours this week watching our DVD of Police Squad!, and it’s every bit as great as we remember it. Best of all, though, the DVD itself contains a bunch of wonderful special features, and here are a few...

Friday, 3 December 2010

Doctor Who vs Bing Hitler

You know how we’ve often gone on about how brilliant The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson is? This is precisely why. img alt="" galleryimg="no" onload="var downlevelDiv = document.getElementById('1908deb4-f499-4eba-a379-4b21f6efa8c3'); downlevelDiv.innerHTML = "";"...

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Yule (B)log: Stand-Up Round-Up (2)

From FIFA’s website: The 2018 World Cup is to be held in a country where spectators regularly boo black footballers, and the 2022 World Cup is to be held in a country where homosexuality is outlawed. Hmm. Maybe FIFA are going by George W Bush’s definition of ‘mission accomplished’?...

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Yule (B)log 2010: Comedy DVD Round-Up (1)

Yes, yes, we’re aware that updates have been sporadic recently. We even missed the 5th anniversary of the site going live. Rest assured, when BrokenTV’s tenth birthday rolls around, we’ll probably Photoshop a party hat onto the logo or something. But anyway, it’s December,...

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