Friday, 30 December 2011

VIDEO PODCAST: The BrokenTV Awards 2011, Part One - The Top 20 TV Shows of the Year

In 720p high-definition and everything! This took an unbelievably long time, so here’s hoping the 17 people who’ll sit through it all enjoy it. Apologies if you have to keep pausing it to read all the text. This was originally a 32 minute epic, before (after uploading the 900MB source video) YouTube kindly informed us that while people who upload...

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Why We Are Stupid

Merry December 27th, everyone! We hope your Christmasses were all lovely. Ours were fine, apart from the bit where our car broke down four metres away from our front door on the way back from visiting family on Christmas Day, and the weird bit where an old woman we’ve never...

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Happy Festivus, Everyone!*

(*Okay, Festivus is technically on the 23rd. Still, shush.) Have a Merry Multi-Denominational Midwinter Festival, everyone! Back on Boxing Day, or possibly the 27th, hangovers permitting....

Friday, 23 December 2011

YouTubeXLUSA: More Televisual Wonder Than You Could Shake The Washington Monument At

Extending our run through of complete programmes that can be found on YouTube for an extra day, we’re going to take a quick dash through American programmes available on the streaming service. To mark the occasion, here’s a photo of Tiffany. Just in case you weren’t getting...

Thursday, 22 December 2011

The Charts Show: A Tale Of Two Sitcoms (BBC Two Comedy Zone Week 7)

Yep, it’s taken us until now to realise that adding an ‘s’ to the title of this ratings-based strand makes it work much more effectively. See, now it works as both a pun on the title of the 1980s pop rundown show AND as a description of the content of each blog post, as in...

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

YouTubeXL: More Packed With Entertainment Than Seventeen Double Issues Of The Radio Times (Part Three)

Blah blah TV shows on YouTube blah blah after the ‘jump’ blah blah photo of Tatu. Is it January yet? Can we stop doing this now?...

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

YouTubeXL: More Packed With Entertainment Than Seventeen Double Issues Of The Radio Times (Part Two)

Our trawl through the bits of the British television archives that trundled out of Windmill Road and straight onto YouTube continues. Just after, as we hope will soon become traditional, another photo of Tatu. ...

Monday, 19 December 2011

YouTubeXL: More Packed With Entertainment Than Seventeen Double Issues Of The Radio Times (Part One)

So, as promised we’ve been on the prowl for more excellent full shows that are available on YouTube. We’ve actually found such a bumper crop, we’re going to have to split them over two updates, and even then use the old ‘read more’ button to try and keep everything relatively...

Saturday, 17 December 2011

2016! 2016! 2016! (etc)

Too busy to do a proper update today, so here – as seen on 77.2% of all blogs on the internet this weekend – is a thing. It’s not a one-off either. Here, from the same Ghanaian movie studio, are trailers for Devil May Cry and The Killer. All this is making us feel the forthcoming BrokenTV Awards 2011 Video Podcasts have relatively high production...

The Chart Show: BBC Two Comedy Zone Episodes Six

We love Thursday night Comedy Zone on BBC Two. Basically because, as you’ll have grasped by now us chucking the overnight viewing figures into Excel gives us a really easy update each Saturday*. So, instead of us wittering on or providing any kind of insight, on with the numbers....

Friday, 16 December 2011

YouTube XL: Classic British TV Documentaries In Full

Following on yesterday’s look at films available on YouTube, here’s a delve into the digital factbucket of documentaries made available on there. If you want to queue them all up on your Xbox, PC or whatnot, here’s several of the finest all in one playlist. Or, if you’d like...

Thursday, 15 December 2011

YouTube on Xbox Live: Full Movies You Can Watch. On It.

So, the new Xbox Live dashboard is now available. If you’re like us, you probably nabbed it as soon as possible, then thought “Oh. Right. Is that it?” Luckily however, ‘it’ is no longer all that ‘that’ ‘is’. By which we mean the proper video apps are now trickling through,...

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

The Seventh Most Misjudged Attempt At A Christmas Number One of the Early 1990s (That We Meant To Include But Forgot But Then Governmentyard Reminded Us. Of It.)

Hurrah! But anyway, onto the glaring omission from yesterday’s music rundown. We feel even more ashamed, because us remembering this song was the reason we’d written that blog update in the first place. Boh. (We’d also forgot to namecheck SOTCAA in the Fist DVD review, too....

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Six Most Misjudged Attempts At A Christmas Number One Of The Early 1990s And A Photograph Of Little Mix to Try And Get Some Google Traffic Trickling In

Above: Jade Thirlwell, Perrie Edwards, Jesy Nelson, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, and the dawning realisation that we’re going to be so far down the Google rankings for those search terms we really, really shouldn’t have bothered Almost time to find out what this year’s Christmas Number...

Monday, 12 December 2011

The League Of Funnymen 10: Lee & Herring’s Fist of Fun Series One DVD

TODAY: “It makes me maaaad with power!” LEE & HERRING’S FIST OF FUN: COMPLETE SERIES ONE £25 (Go Faster Stripe) It’s remit-tweaking time here at BrokenTV towers, as our list of stand-up DVDs from 2011 makes room for a sketch comedy from the mid-1990s. Ah, d’you remember...

Sunday, 11 December 2011


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Saturday, 10 December 2011

The Chart Show: BBC Two Comedy Zone (again)

The new Thursday night overnight rating figures are in! And you know what that means? That’s right - an incredibly easy update for us. Phew. So, Life’s Too Short continues to struggle, though the rate at which it’s losing viewers is slowing. Maybe that million viewers realised...

Friday, 9 December 2011

The League of Funnymen Part 8: Angelos Epithemiou

Him off Shooting Stars. ANGELOS EPITHEMIOU & FRIENDS: LIVE £12.97 (Amazon) The first thing we wondered when seeing the cover of this was whether the “& Friends” part of the title suggested Renton Skinner would be spending much of the runtime showing off other,...

Thursday, 8 December 2011

The Six Most Unsettling Moments In That BBC One “Consider Yourself” Promo

6. DAVID JASON LURKS What’s he planning? And why has he got that disturbing grin on his face? Oh, we can’t see it at this resolution, but we can tell. We can just tell. Brr. 5. GRAHAM NORTON WILL EAT YOUR SOUL Is this Christmas, or a very, very late Halloween promo? Right...

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

The League of Funnymen: Jason Manford Live

  JASON MANFORD LIVE £12.93 (Amazon) A quick addition to our scoreboard of stand-up today, and it’s Salford scamp Jason Manford. With his schtick being “cosy observation”, you can pretty much guess what’ll be coming up here, and there aren’t any surprises on offer....

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Our Favourite Review of Black Mirror Episode One


Monday, 5 December 2011

The League of Funnymen: Part Three (Chris Addison Live)

Our ranking of ribaldry rumbles on. CHRIS ADDISON LIVE £11.88 (Amazon) “Star of BAFTA Winning Comedy THE THICK OF IT” screams the cover. Not quite sure why it didn’t mention the Oscar-nommed spinoff In The Loop as well, in which Addison plays a more central role, but...

Sunday, 4 December 2011

The Chart Show: BBC Two’s Comedy Zone

"People are straight away thinking it's going to be a cruel comedy – why? Why do they assume that? It's their prejudice.” – Ricky Gervais promoting Life’s Too Short, The Guardian, 4th November 2011. Yeah, no huge surprise that we’re not a fan of LIFE’S TOO SHORT, though we...

Saturday, 3 December 2011


Did you see what we did there? Stepping aside from our League Of Funnymen for a day, how about one of our December mainstays? Namely, a ramble through some ephemera of Chrimbles past. (READER’S VOICE: “Oh, good. A YouTube roundup. You’re really pushing the boat out this year, aren’t you?”) Pfft. First up, thanks to YouTube (seemingly) relaxing their...

Friday, 2 December 2011

The League Of Funnymen: Part Two

Our festive fumble through the firesale of funny continues, with another addition to our leaderboard of laughmongers. Today: JIMMY CARR: BEING FUNNY £11.99 (Amazon) In a way, you have to hand it to Jimmy Carr. Despite dealing primarily in one-liners, and having to juggle...

Thursday, 1 December 2011

The League Of Funnymen. And Women. And Andy Parsons. (Part One)

It’s that time of year again! Where we try to update the blog at least once per day right up to Christmas, like a crazy kind of disappointment-themed advent calendar. First up: part one of a new thing that we’ll definitely see through to the end, no really, we will, honest....

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Belated Musical Justice Corner #1: World of Science

In news that’ll surely turn out to be terrible for our bank account, we’ve discovered the majesty of’s radio station Poptron. It’s a donation-funded internet radio station that plays nothing but “electropop and indie dance rock with sparkle and pop”. Speaking as the...

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