Thursday, 18 August 2011

Love Football (Celebrity Big Brother), Hate Racism (The Racism Of Richard Desmond’s Newspapers) LIVE BLOG

LIVE BLOG GO! Updates at the bottom, refresh for latest. Hello and welcome to the beginning of/the entirety of BrokenTV's Celebrity Big Brother 2011 coverage. How so? Well, it's kind of like this: despite everything, we still enjoy Celebrity Big Brother when it's done properly....

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

A Proposal For The Opposite Of Whatever A “Stealth Tax” Is (BBC Four Cutbacks)

The Guardian reports that as part of David Cameron’s ongoing game of Kerplunk with all that makes British society worthwhile Our Great Nation’s clamour towards the return of economic prosperity, the BBC may be forced to strip BBC Four of everything costing more than 17p. This...

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

The 2011 World Cup of TV Comedy: GRAND DRAW

We’ve been a bit quiet lately, mainly due to a prolonged period of our idea muscles being strained. But we’ve come up with an exciting and NEW idea, one that we’re sure will run and run. And idea that should easily last for around thirty updates, and which we’ll never, ever...

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Another Nice Internet Thing To Look At

It’s John Cleese on a 1971 episode of Joker’s Wild And it is splendid. Remember, this was what daytime television was like in the early 1970s. DAYTIME BLOODY TELEVISION. We really liked both Land Girls and The Indian Doctor, but seriously, bloody hell. AND it was on ITV....

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

RIOTING SPECIAL: Six Nice Things On The Internet To Look At Instead

So: the riots. Or the lootings. Or a few thousand morons who think they live in a 50 Cent video acting like scumbags. The rolling news coverage has been a mixed bag, with dramatic footage (often lifted from YouTube) combined with the usual parade of self-proclaimed 'experts'...

Monday, 1 August 2011

George Costanza: The Movie

George Costanza becomes a hardened criminal, forever being hauled off to chokey by the cops. Until a spell in prison sees him vow to make a change, and inspired by his father’s health problems he becomes a champion of good causes. A heartwarming tale of redemption. Ah, if only eh? Here’s a splendidly constructed trailer made from episodes of Seinfeld....

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