Thursday, 24 May 2018

Gallifrey Newsagents Ltd (est 2027AD)

Our favourite website ever at the moment, you ask?*  Why, it’s Issuu, which is an online publishing outlet for people who want to read new magazines on a computer. But, more fittingly, accurately and compellingly, it’s also somewhere that people have been uploaded old magazines, comics and curios. It’s like wandering into a branch of John Menzies eternally trapped in a time loop. Here are some of our favourite accounts on there.

(*And also some other questions about whether we fell down a well six months ago. To which we answer: no, but our computer did. And also, yes we did change the blog template again.)



First up, the best thing we’ve found so far. A thunderingly comprehensive(-ish) collection of old TV Times magazines, each edition replete with listings, features and adverts. The collection runs from the very formative years of ITV itself (including the period where some regions had their own bespoke listings guides) to the late 1980s.

Better yet, there are also complete editions of Look-In, along with several TV tie-in comics AND the Television Show Book With Arthur Haynes. Heck, yes.



Question for advertising historians: what could be even better than a bunch of old TV Times, laden as they are with old fag adverts and pictures of sheds? That’s right: it’s only a COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTION OF OLD ARGOS CATALOGUES. Right the way back to 1973, all the way to 1999, covering the era of terrifying death traps for babies (pictured below) to Super Trinitron Widescreen TVs (only £1249.00 for a 32” television? What a time to be alive!).


Yikes, eh modern parents terrified of leaving their child in the same room as anything with a corner?



It’s a World Cup year! Why not try and take your mind off the fact it’s taking place in a [“ETHICALLY RESPECTABLE DEMOCRACY” – Anonymous Hacker] with this collection of old World Cup sticker albums? Or, if football isn’t your bag, how about…



Another account containing old Panini sticker albums, BUT also containing lots of other fine Paninania, including An Italian Star Wars Sticker Album (Guerre Stellari), the Official Sticker Album of the Montreal 1976 Olympiad, or something called Skiparade’80.


Who the hell is THAT guy?



Okay, admittedly not quite up there with the account hosting loads of TV Timeses, but anything with a shifty Terry-Thomas on it is fine with us. And anyway…


Now you’re interested. Sadly, only a couple of editions of vintage Radio Times are on there, but at least they’ve made the effort, and it does make for a curious sight. Plus there is a nice interview with Galton and Simpson in one of the two issues on there.


And, that’s it for now. It’s a bit of a trove, containing loads of curious contents. So, until our next delve into the Issuu trove (unless we get distracted by finally discoving Reddit twelve years after everyone else), here’s a Swedish caravanning magazine to be going on with.



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