Sunday, 25 December 2005

A Very BrokenTV Christmas

(aka. We've had a bit to drink, and aren't tired enough to go to bed just yet.)Before we start on our Top Ten TV Things Of The Year (we're not naming our Worst TV Show Of The Year until we hit number two on the Best TV list, to ramp up the suspense), here's another rundown....

Wednesday, 21 December 2005

THE BrokenTV TOP BOTTOM TEN OF THE YEAR 2005 AWARDS4. THE CATHERINE TATE SHOW (BBC Two)The Guardian's Rupert Smith classified The Catherine Tate Show pretty much correctly when he stated that it's basically a product aimed at children so undemanding they're happy with their Crazy Frog ringtones and Girls Aloud singles. Unfortunately, he soon followed...

Monday, 12 December 2005

THE BrokenTV TOP BOTTOM TEN OF THE YEAR 2005 AWARDS6. THE DAVID LETTERMAN SHOW (ITV4)There's a reason why nobody ever watches David Letterman in the UK. The reason is: because it's generally thirty-five minutes of tedious jokes-that-aren't, with a few interviews tacked on at the end. One episode we sat through featured a researcher being made to do...

Sunday, 11 December 2005

The BrokenTV Awards 2005

Yes, I know we've only been going for a few weeks. But anyway, here's the first exciting section of our end of year rundown, and not just an excuse to stick the boot in on several TV shows that have irked us months before we had the idea of starting a blog purely for the purposes of sticking the boot in on several TV shows that have irked us.And don't...

Thursday, 1 December 2005

Little Britain Series Four: EXCLUSIVE SCRIPT EXTRACT!

Yes, they're working on it already. Cunningly disguising ourselves as Richard Herring's letterbox, we've intercepted an early draft of episode 4.1, from which we present to you the following 'skit'.[The scene: The studio set of Channel Four's hit not-really-a-quiz quiz show...

Further Deal Or No Deal News

The American version begins on the 19th of December, on NBC. In a staggering display of wrongness, The Dealer in the American version is known as 'The Bank'. Therefore, it is rubbi...

Speaking of Deal Or No Deal...

...are we bored of it yet? Due to a combination of factors such as:(a) The bullish performance of that bloke in yesterday's episode, where - wonderfully - he declared his own 'deal' price, got to speak to The Dealer (proving that HE INCONTROVERTIBLY EXISTS), who instead of making a counter-offer, simply said "no deal". Oh yes, it's moments like this...

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