Thursday, 29 November 2007

The Two Sides of News International

Side OneSide Two'Balance', there. Fucking. He...

Saturday, 24 November 2007

ViaCompletely Unfair

It's quite rare we'll post an update that's just a link to someone else's YouTube video, which you've probably seen already anyway. After all, if we did that sort of thing, you'd expect us to update every day. The very thought! But this video -- is the best one we've seen about the US Writer's Stike. It's like the Daily Show never went away. If any...

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

The Liking Ricky Gervais Bell Curve

His new DVD is more of the same. The same boastful arrogance, garnished with a thin layer of "it's okay, I'm being ironic. Or am I? Yes, I am. Possibly". But how come every time one of his live shows is announced, thousands of drooling credit card holders clamour to pester Ticketmaster,...

Saturday, 17 November 2007

It's BrokenTV's Football Nightmares DVD!

[Outside shot of a non league football ground, upon which the inserts for all lo quality cash in football nightmares DVDs must be filmed, by law. The nation's favourite Telly Blog That Was Quite Good For A Week In March bounds onto the pitch in a retro football shirt, because...

Saturday, 10 November 2007

Worst Ad Campaign of the Week

"Fizzy Canadian Piss-water Light"The one where the booming voice of Voiceover Man (y'know, from trailers and that) extols the virtues of "Fizzy Canadian Piss-water Light". Pull back to reveal the sound of Voiceover Man has been dubbed onto Generic 'Bloke' Character In Pub. 'Bloke...

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Hilda Braid 1929-2007

It's undoubtedly a shame when a talented actress with a distinguished career dies, and it does little to mark the passing of someone with a television and film career spanning five decades when many obituaries spend a disproportionately huge amount of their word count referring...

Monday, 5 November 2007


Ages ago, we posted this update. It's pretty much the only really good update to the blog we've done, and it was probably the main reason we'd got mentioned in The Guardian Guide. The "Your Woman by White Town" of blog posts, if you will. Fast forward eight months and several...

Nothing But The GREAT BIG HORRIBLE LIES, More Like

Well, that might well be exaggerating a tadge (or a lot), but it seems a few of the contestants from Nothing But The Truth aren't too pleased with Ruggie Media's handling of the show. Your super soaraway BrokenTV can reveal that the following allegations have been made:Despite specially filmed inserts being shown of contestants answering their questions...

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