Thursday, 26 November 2009

YouTube Thing And Album Of The Day

We've been listening to the new Shaun Micallef CD plugged in the above Rove interview. Except, Micallef being Micellef, he instead plugged a wholly fictional album, and brought with him a copy of The Best Of The Smiths to display.

The actual proper album is a really rather splendid "old-school" (if you will) comedy album like what Peter Sellers or Monty Python used to make, containing a few comedy songs ("Christopher Walken Sings David Bowie's Fashion") and a load of enjoyable sketches. Favourite so far: "Charlton Heston Reads The Bible". You can buy it here. Or elsewhere, probably. Like iTunes if you're in Australia, we shouldn't wonder.

(Yes, this is a bit of a placeholder update until we come up with something else. Still a great album, though.)

Update: It's also available from Amazon Marketplace for under a tenner. Thanks to Paul from Hot Cuss (which should be updated more frequently. Tsk) for the heads up.

3 .:

Anonymous said...

Second only to Tony Martin in terms of antipode genius. And its a very, very close second. Shame they never made cut-down international edits of the glorious The Late Show (Not that one.)

Paul said...

Available via Amazon Marketplace for just under a tenner, including P&P:

Looking forward to hearing it - thanks for bringing it to my attention, sir.

Mark X said...

Nice one. Blog post now updated to reflect this development.

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