Monday, 13 August 2012

So. What Did The American Media Make Of That Bit In The Olympic Closing Ceremony With Rodney and Del-Boy In It, Then?

Wondering how the US media covered the bit of the Olympics closing ceremony where “Del Boy” and “Rodney” appeared? Here’s what the New York Times live blog said about them: Sadly, they don’t seem to have picked up on the BIG news that Eric Idle was (presumably) the first...

Friday, 10 August 2012

Yeah, Er, Thanks, But…

Our Twitter feed feels slightly tainted now. This is possibly payback for us trying to display a modicum of understanding for the subjects of BBC Two’s Young, Bright and On The Right when we previewed it in last Saturday’s Guardian Guide :(...

Thursday, 9 August 2012

The Thursday Film: Oo Vuf Welcome, In Jaaaaaaaam

In protest at Team GB spending a whole day not bothering to win any gold medals, we’re skipping today’s Olympic update. Oh, okay, we couldn’t be bothered. Instead, what might become a nice idea for a weekly update where we ‘curate’ (post a YouTube link to) a ‘fascinating movie...

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Olympic YouTube Gold Day 5: Oh, You Guys! ITV Live Coverage Of Seoul 1988? Like, As If!

We have to admit, the fakery skills of the YouTube faux-continuity community are becoming increasingly realistic. You can’t even tell this was made using MS Paint and Windows Video Maker AT ALL. After all, were it not for the fanciful notion of ITV bothering with actual Olympic coverage, we might even have been fooled. Oh RIGHT – as if they were...

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Olympic YouTube Gold Day 4: Olympic Grandstand 1984

The first Olympics we can actually remember with any real kind of clarity - Daley Thompson! Zola Budd! “Of course, many of these contestants come from nations without swimming pools.” All that. It was also the first time* the BBC went all out on presentation for their Olympic...

Monday, 6 August 2012

Olympic YouTube Gold Day 3: BBC Good Morning Mexico,1968

Remember the concept of British Cynicism? What were all that about? Yeah, we’re getting increasingly suckered in by it all, especially now we’re not distracted by the Team GB football team (which is probably as close as we’ll ever get to seeing Wales in the finals of a major...

Olympic YouTube Gold*: Day Two (*Still Soon To Be Retitled “Quadrennial Sporting Occasion YouTube Shiny Brown” Under Threat Of Legal Action)

Second-division Hanna-Barbara characters: this is, as Martine McCutcheon might say, Your Golden Moment. It’s an episode of 1977 cartoon ‘supergroup’ Laff-A-Lympics! With fondly remembered characters like, er, Dynomutt, Taffy Dare, Hokey Wolf, Blabber, Junior Creeply and Orful...

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Olympic YouTube Gold*: Day One (*Soon To Be Retitled “Quadrennial Sporting Occasion YouTube Shiny Brown” Under Threat Of Legal Action)

Hey, it’s all going really well, isn’t it? Even all the people who’d been bleating on about how it was going to be rubbish have been pretty quiet. So, what better time to pick out some of our favourite Olympic-related TV moments from the digital wilderness? And nothing at...

Saturday, 4 August 2012

The LG 42LM660T: A Television Review For The Rest Of Us

You know the score. You have your eye on a new TV set, partly because your current television had, er, someone live-pause it on a shot of Gabby Logan for an hour meaning there’s some incriminating burn-in stuck there, and partly because if you want to watch Netflix on your...

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