Tuesday, 24 January 2006

We'll Go Back To Hating It When The Next 'Regular' Big Brother Comes Around, You Know

Want to vote to see a celebrity housemate kicked out of the CBB house? But not sure which one to vote for? We've filtered several weeks of bickering from each one of Wednesday's potential evictees into one representitive soundbite, to help you decide.George: "The yolk's on you, Michael!"Gnn. If there's ever a surefire way to judge someone's character,...

Monday, 23 January 2006

Drama Update!

24: Day FiveFox, Mondays 9pm(Or the internet, Tuesday morning).BrokenTV's Spoiler-Free Review of 24: Day Five.1) Having the same Fox News newsreader as Arrested Development just makes us think of him wearing 70's retro garb and a daft smirk.2) The Nixonish President Idiot is...

Friday, 13 January 2006

Hey, where have I seen that Donny Jones character in tonight's episode of My Name Is Earl before?

The first series of 24.No need to thank ...

So. This is what it's like being part of the other 90%.

Now, BrokenTV is as cynical as the next television blog. As such, we've resolutely failed to subscribe to the annual Big Brother hysteria. So, it's come as a sizable personal surprise to find ourselves somehow addicted to the current series of Celebrity Big Brother. Don't worry,...

Saturday, 7 January 2006

The Worst Programme Of 2005

See, we hadn't forgot about this. You've seen our choices of the tenth to second worst TV shows of the year, and now we're about to reveal the worst. Well, what is it? The nominations are:The Girl in the Café (BBC One)A good cast and the all-too-rare prospect of seeing a BBC...

BrokenTV's Predictions For 2006

1. Jimmy Carr will make a 'joke' connecting the fact that there is a small swimming pool in the Celebrity Big Brother house, and Michael Barrymore.Er, that's it for n...

Monday, 2 January 2006

The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves

Who Killed The British Sitcom tried to look at the reasons why there aren't many sitcoms on nowadays. Clearly, this is pretty much because over the last ten or so years, far too many of them have failed. But why? The programme came up with a few suggestions, naming a 'suspect'...


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