Friday, 26 January 2007

An Article About 'Branding' That Doesn't Make Us Want To Kill

You see, the above is The Right Kind Of Promotion. And so is the excellent "Trumptonshire / Beating Up A Nonce" teaser trailer. Brilliant promotion, for one of the best programmes on television. And while it might be the second and final series, Wikipedia has some seriously...

Saturday, 20 January 2007

Celebrity Big Brother In Numbers: Part Three

Celebrity Big Brother, eh? Even if you're one of those crushing bores who like to loudly tell everyone within earshot that they've never bothered watching it, because it's ridiculously vapid and tedious, you know (how do they know that if they've never watched it?), you can't...

Friday, 19 January 2007

Big Brother Race Row EXCLUSIVE: New Development

In the latest development in the Big Brother racism and/or bullying scandal that has clearly put the WORLD on the VERY BRINK OF WAR, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie have just released the following statement."Our concern has rapidly mounted about the broadcast...

Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Reasons Why Hugh Laurie Is One Of The Best People Ever

1: Using an A Bit Of Fry & Laurie reference while receiving a top award at a major American awards ceremony.Although this probably means there'll never be a compilation series called The Fry & Laurie Sketchbook going out on Friday nights. With brand new Peter and John sketches. B...

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Celebrity Big Brother 2007. In Numbers. Part Two.

Next week: did the victims of 9/11 bring it all on themselves because they chose to work in a tall building? Dermot O'Leary investigates, and takes the side of whoever has the same agent as h...

Sunday, 7 January 2007

4809 Words About 2006: It's The BrokenTV Awards 2006

Well, better late than never. We did try to get Angus Deayton to host these, as he'll clearly do any old rubbish these days, but he had four cheap clip shows to front for Sky Three tonight, so we're having to read the following off of an autocue in a sarcastic voice ourselves....

Words With Which People We'd Previously Disliked Utterly Redeemed Themselves: Part One. Of One, Probably.

"I'm not fucking waiting hand and foot on some fucking moron and her family."We still wouldn't buy any of his records, but yeah. Fair dues. If we didn't have a tenner riding on it*, we'd stop watching it right now, to be honest.(*We've 'sold' some of our bet on Shilpa, transferring some to Danielle (hoping her odds drop, so we can make a quick profit),...

Wednesday, 3 January 2007

Celebrity Big Brother 2007. In Numbers. Part One.

Even though we can't stand 'normal' Big Brother, what with it basically being an audition for screeching idiots who want to present a soon-forgotten show on E4, we can't help but get drawn into the celebrity version of it. In CBB, the participants don't need to make as much...

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