Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Aaaargh! Aaaargh! Aaaargh! Aaaargh!

Now, this is quite markedly the Wrong Type Of Nostalgia, what with it being about a children's television programme from the 1970s, but bear with us. We've stumbled across something on YouTube (if seeing it in this week's B3TA newsletter counts as 'stumbling over something'),...

Friday, 21 March 2008

Attention, Television Likers!

BBC Two are repeating the whole of Arrested Development series two, with two episodes a night, from this week. If you haven't seen it, and you've got a PVR (or are up stupidly late, like us), you can remedy that (almost) immediately (although you might need to download the earlier...

Monday, 17 March 2008

It's A New Find!

That title just above being a reference to the song by the excellently kitsch, provocative, alluringly gorgeous and downright odd Japanese pop-punk band Shonen Knife. And speaking of kitsch, provocative, and lovely yet askew things hailing from the East Asian geographical region,...

Lambwatch: free flexidisc

Just a quick update here, as we don't really want to turn into merely some sort of anti-Lamb blog. Mainly because slagging off George Lamb feels kind of like kicking in an extraordinarily untalented blind cripple.Nonetheless, a lot of the comments floating around the internet about the general unsuitability of George Lamb for a radio station based...

Thursday, 13 March 2008

"If There's One Thing People Don't Want, It's The Absence Of A Lack Of Non-clarity"

For the benefit of those listeners yet to follow our advice and get into Newstopia, Shaun Micellef’s fantastic take on the satirical news show genre, we’re pleased to offer up a few clips of what you’re missing. Alternatively, for the benefit of our listeners handsome and/or...

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

6Music: Part Two

Yesterday we noted how BBC 6Music's decision to consciously promote the boorish meanderings of George Lamb is unlikely to win the increase in female listeners they so desperately crave. Now, it's all too easy to criticise, not so easy to come up with your own ideas. With that...

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Reject Week, Day Two: Move Over Richard Bacon

What with it being roughly the first anniversary of the single week in 2007 when BrokenTV was any good, we're celebrating by completing some of the very many rejected ideas for updates we've thought of doing, then didn't.We know we could come up with a more fitting tribute by...

Monday, 10 March 2008

Rejected Idea Week: Part One

After a period of inactivity, we reckon it's probably time we made a bit of an effort, and updated the blog at least once per day for a week. Possibly more. Sadly, we can't really think of anything to write about, so what better time to dig out all of the half-completed and...


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