Tuesday, 30 September 2008

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (If You Like Animated Sitcoms Broadcast On FOX)

The Simpsons (season twenty, episode one - "Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes")Obviously nowhere near The Golden Age, but the new episode is certainly very good when compared to the episodes currently showing on Channel Four every evening, which are pretty much the low point of the...

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Then Vs Now: Harry Enfield. A Po-Faced Look At Comedy

It's a widely reported fact that once you begin to deconstruct comedy, it stops being funny. So let's do that now!The rules: Two sketches, one from 'then', one from 'now'. Both by the same performer, or performers, both on a similar subject. The number of markedly different...

Saturday, 27 September 2008

"Please Refrain From Tasting the Knob."

The First Presidential Debate is currently on CNN. For people who don't want to bother listening to the words being said by the candidates, then use their own minds to decide who is 'winning' the debate, there's a helpful little real-time graph. A little graph saying how much...

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Things We've Noticed When Watching Recorded Late-Night Repeats Of Flight Of The Concords On BBC Four

You might expect the person doing the sign language would by fairly redundant in a comedy show based largely on comedy songs. You'd be wrong, though. The sign language peeps get to throw some funky shapes during the musical numbers. We bet they're having a shitload more fun...

Saturday, 13 September 2008

"Merely A Puppet Show? I Think Not."

If there's something that gets us about American television, it's the way the networks are utterly terrified of taking risks with the technicalities of broadcasting. Half-hour shows must be split into three chunks of approximately seven minutes, with a few extra minutes that...

Thursday, 11 September 2008

"That's Really Funny, Robert." "Yeah. I Was In Airplane II."

Astonishingly Still Available Series Of YouTube Clips Of The Day: The Complete Larry Sanders.Indisputably the greatest American sitcom of the 1990s that isn't Seinfeld, the series is still largely missing from the DVD shelves. The first season and two varying sizes of 'Best...

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Switzerland Can,Should, Must and Will Blow Up The Universe (and "Human Tetris")

And so, while we're at home waiting for either our new mobile phone to be delivered or for the entire universe to be destroyed (we've got BBC News 24 on in the background, just in case that happens) what better time than to explore a few international versions of Brain Wall,...


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