Wednesday, 25 February 2009

The Top 50 TVTimes Genre Icons of the 1970s - Part Two

Firstly, anyone hankering for the days when we did proper updates instead of this tosh might like to pay a visit to Arena Magazine's excellent website, where we've contributed a short piece about swearing on telly, and how there really should be more of it. Expect a more comprehensive...

Monday, 23 February 2009

Top 50 TVTimes Genre Icons of the 1970s - Part One

Yeah, don't say we didn't warn you. We've sourced a load of TVTimes from the 1970s, and we're utterly determined to run this idea into the ground. With any luck, we'll scare away at least 90% of our regular audience, then we can be as self-indulgent as we like. A month from...

Friday, 20 February 2009

We Take It All Back

We've said nasty things about David Letterman in the past. "Rubbish interviewer", "is way too annoying to be entertaining", "Laughs too often at his own jokes, as if the first time he saw them was on the autocue, but how could that possibly be?", "spends way too long on underwhelming in-jokes that no-one could possibly care about" (oh, meanwhile look...

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Daily Mail Hates Disabled People, Eats Self

You couldn't make it up!"But the memo has exasperated senior staff. One insider told the Evening Standard:'This is political correctness gone mad. 'All the BBC's bigname presenters received this email from Peter Horrocks saying that whenever they refer to an on screen phone...

The BrokenTV Awards 2009: Part One

You just wouldn't believe how much messing about has gone into the creation of these. Literally months of planning. Weeks of dicking around with Photoshop, AVS Video Editor, Photo Story 3 and the trial version of Sony Vegas Pro. Plus literally several hours of writing. Then,...

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

The Most Disturbing Image On The Internet

Ready? If you thought the Flimby slimming picture from Look Around You was bad, check this out, after a little bit of spoiler space so as not to shock the unaware:A banner promoting Digital Spy's interview with him (which we're not providing a link to, because, well, it's an...

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

A Very Quick Update

Who wants to see a picture of Brian Murphy in character as George Roper, dressed as Kurt Cobain, but from 1979?There you go. In other news, we've tried uploading the BrokenTV Awards 2009 to YouTube, but as it contains short clips of copyrighted shows (even though said clips...

Thursday, 12 February 2009


It's just possible our relationship with Twitter is faltering. We stopped checking our Tweets at noon, and can't now be bothered going back and checking *all* the ones we've missed, because we're too knackered from a full day of ducking and diving. On top of that most of our...

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Clever Pun Confusing the Band Metric With The 18th Century System Of Measurement Goes Here

Holy ruddy crap! There's a new single and album by Metric about to be released!Why were we not informed? This is wonderful news! Obviously, it's no Monster Hospital, but it suggests they're using more synths this time around, and as long as there isn't any song with lyrics as terrible as the ones from 'Hand$hakes', we're stoked. So stoked that we think...

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

"A Comedic Misinterpretation Adventure Playground" (TVTimes Icons III: Back In Training)

To the undoubted chagrin of at at least 80% of BrokenTV's audience, it's time for the third part of our 768 part series taking a look at programme genre icons from 1970s copies of TV Times. We can assure you, the remaining 20% of the audience all fall within our target demographic...

Friday, 6 February 2009

"Damn you, FACTU!" (TV Times Icons from 1978: Part Two)

(Part one: here.)By semi-popular demand, it's time to kick off another look at some TVTimes programme icons from 1978. If you want to play along at home, this batch are all from the June 3rd-June 9th 1978 edition. ATV region, Lee Remick and Rock Hudson on the cover. But before...

Thursday, 5 February 2009

ITV Sport versus Football

Oh, ITV. When will you learn that if you do everything on the cheap, you'll end up doing things like this?It certainly seems to have been regional - we're living in Granadaland, and the picture cut back to the action after a couple of seconds of the E-on bumper - but even so. Brian Moore will be spinning in his gra...

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Thing Of The Day:

Giving the devil the opportunity to come into your home and destroy everything:Meanwhile: more 1978 TVTimes icons, present...

Monday, 2 February 2009

Hail, Hail Frydonia, Land of the Brave and Free

Yes, it's another post about Twitter, but we promise it's the last one for a OMFG JONATHAN ROSS SENT US A REPLY ABOUT HANDHELD GAMES CONSOLES THE OTHER DAY while. Twitter is really taking off now, as signified by the way National Treasure Stephen Fry (to use his full name) has...

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