Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Noel's House Party Cited in James Randi Lecture

Pretty much what we said. Our favourite bit: James Randi is so unfamiliar with the show in question he pronounces it as "No-well's House Party". "It's a television network... BBC... whatever..."For the record (and we're not having a go at Randi here, his segments on Channel Four's The Secret Cabaret were consistently great), we can't figure out which...

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

How to get ITV HD on a Sky HD box

[UPDATE 17th June 2010: Hello, people of the future! This blog update still seems to get quite a lot of visits, especially now the World Cup is on. This update is here to point out that you don't actually need to go through all these steps, ITV HD now lives on Sky channel 178.] There...

Sunday, 26 April 2009

“His Shirt Has A Pattern!” (Picture Special)

From the 22-11-1975 edition of TVTimes, here’s an advert for a shirt (we said ‘TVTimes’, so it is in keeping with our remit). It’s not too far removed from the hundreds of “Men! Buy this product and you WILL have sex with a lady as a direct consequence” adverts that littered...

Friday, 24 April 2009

An Unstructured Review Of Reggie Perrin

(A review which might not be very interesting or well written, but it is timely. You’ll have to give us that.) BBC One have starting showing their remake of classic 1970s Leonard Rossiter sitcom ‘The Fall and Rise Of Reginald Perrin’. It is being written by Simon “Men Behaving...

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Gawd Save The Queen Mum, It's Only Saint George's Day, Innit?

It's Saint George's Day, and to mark the occasion this blog post is going to be written exclusively in the English language, or your money back! No Albanian or Minangkabau for us today. As such, we'd better keep it brief, and make sure we don't ruin that boast by accidentally using a phrase from another language. So, with one eye on avoiding a linguistic...

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Let’s Have A Cack Celebration

This week sees the release of Depeche Mode’s one hundredth studio album, Sounds Of The Universe. Despite our disappointment with pretty much everything they’ve done since Ultra, we’ve just bought it. In preparation for the new offering, to rekindle our affection for Basildon’s...

Monday, 20 April 2009

The Big Piece About Britain’s Got Talent

Britain’s Got Talent, eh? Maybe we should write something about that, given that it seems to be even more of a phenomenon than ever this year. Thing is though, we haven’t watched any of it this time round. This isn’t due to some self-imagined intellectual agenda on avoiding...

Sunday, 19 April 2009

While Channel Four Had Max Headroom...

Thames' Christmas tape for 1985 couldn't quite stretch to the level of plastering Matt Frewer in latex and digitising him a bit, so don't expect much from this clip. Now, who wants to see Rod, Jane and Freddy being shot at by a BBC Micro Mode 7 phallus? Roll 1:20... (warning: contains Jim Davids...

Thursday, 16 April 2009

You Are No Longer Here: Huge Pictorial Update

"The colour of infinity inside an empty glass / It's for this experimental film / Which nobody knows about / And which I'm still figuring out / What's going to go in my experimental film?"So sang They Might Be Giants on their track “Experimental Film”, the album opener for their...

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

The Truth

Without wanting to seem overly mawkish, we'll just link to a piece from this morning's Today programme. A truly moving account of the disaster from Alan Green, followed by some insipid point-evasion by David Blunkett MP. Click image to open in new page/tab After listening...

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Hot Chart On Chart Action With Stew, Mat and James (4)

We haven’t coloured in our Horne & Corden vs Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle ratings chart for a while, have we? We haven’t even remarked on the story about them being given a new series on BBC Two, which was later denied, only for claims that ITV are trying to poach their...

You're Doing It Wrong

When you get a spare minute, we'd recommend that everyone should read the Wikipedia entry for Tom & Jerry. It contains several bits of information we weren't previously aware of (or at least, which we'd learned from Stay Tooned with Tony Robinson and subsequently forgot). Assuming we're not falling for Wikipranksters, key facts include:Jerry's...

Monday, 6 April 2009

New From BBC Toys and Games

You’ve got to love the 10am to 1pm shift on 6Music, haven’t you? That dizzying array of good records being spoiled by having samples from things that were on telly or cinema in the 1980s. The bits where listeners are invited to phone in and do nothing more than say how great...

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Getting The Network Together, Tonight

No time for a proper update yet this week, not even an update to the Stewart Lee vs. Horne and Corden ratings chart (mainly because no-one we can find has published the viewing figures for episode three of the former. If anyone can help there, we’ll be indebted). We’re still...

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