Friday, 28 August 2009

Well, Can You Describe Him?

We're still working on the final part of our mammoth Spotify-comedy update, but while double-checking the name of something related to a choice cut, we're found what is quite possibly the best thing on all of YouTube.Mel and Griff's One Night Stand live VHS, long-since deleted, now gloriously online in several parts. Not work safe, clearly (though...

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

A Collection of Measured Dissent

Here's a sobering thought for you. Using a hugely conservative estimate that at least 60% of them are over the age of 18, for every ten people leaving comments on YouTube, six of them can vote in a general election. And their votes counts exactly the same as yours. No matter...

Sunday, 23 August 2009

“Can you help me, Shady Sammy?”

As anyone who has watched Sky Sports News on a weekday afternoon will attest, most daytime television advertising is bland rubbish trying to coax people into taking out loans. Such as:   Wholesome looking people striving to improve their lot, basically. Having sat through...

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Twitter: The Acid Test

So, you could claim that Twitter has achieved quite a lot for a glorified text messaging service. Facilitating dissent over the re-election of a corrupt government in Iran, giving Fox News a black eye over its unwarranted criticism of the NHS, Stephen Fry getting stuck in a...

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

How To Be Afraid Of Football Shirts

An entertaining look at Bad Football Kits has been written for our CRIMINALLY IGNORED BY THE PUBLIC AT LARGE sister blog, How To Be Afraid Of Everything. We’ve decided to cross-post a link to it here, to try and get a few pennies into their guitar case, as it were. It includes...

Friday, 14 August 2009

Sound On... ("Sound On!")... Vision On... ("Vision On!")

Hey, ITV. It's coming up to the thirtieth anniversary of what just might be our earliest television memory, and where's the C-list strewn clip show commemorating it? Nowhere, that's not where. Tsk. Weeks and weeks of this:Followed by, quite excellently, this:Interesting local colour: all that was going on at a time when the BrokenTV family's front...

The Top 100 Comedy Albums on Spotify: Part Three

Part three: go! To be honest, the whole affair has actually spiralled into “An Indeterminate Number Of Interesting Comedy Albums On Spotify”, because we’re now past the fifty mark, and there are way more than fifty albums worth mentioning. From this point on, think of the title...

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