Friday, 21 July 2006


BrokenTV was any good, had more than a cursory amount of effort put into it, was on television, and was allowed to use all of it's favourite music in the background (Vitalic: check, a track from the new Grandaddy album: check, the wonderful Summer Overture from Clint Mansell's...

Monday, 17 July 2006

Three Bits Of Text Plucked From Media Guardian That Restore Our Faith In Television

"Hmm... fifty dull minutes of EU tax fraud, eh. Whatelse is on? Bah. Tax fraud it is, then."Sentence one:"On ITV1, PokerFace attracted its best ratings yet, when nearly 6 million viewers tuned in to see Sarah Lang win the £1m prize in the final."Good. It was a pretty good programme,...

Wednesday, 12 July 2006

The World Cup Of World Cup Coverage: Final Standings

Best Player: Big Dennis Lawrence (Trinidad and Tobago).Not just because he plays for Wrexham, but because he did really, really well against both Sweden and England (er, we didn't watch T&T against Paraguay), but mainly the Wrexham thing*. Well, it'd be a bit boring to go...

Tuesday, 11 July 2006

This Just In: All News Parody Rendered Utterly Redundant

Thanks to the wonder of Science's The Internet, BrokenTV has been enjoying Granada's wonderful 1985 documentary series on television called, er, Television. Not only is it an enthralling programme in it's own right, and proof positive that there was a time when ITV wasn't shit, but it also contains a snippet of the USA's first television news service,...

Monday, 10 July 2006

It's The End Of The World Cup As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

Much to the relief of BrokenTV's non-football-liking readers, the World Cup is now over for another four years. Well done for sticking it out, there's a treat at the end of this post for you. But first, the points from the final. Oh, and Zidane: shitting heck.BBC OneFirstly,...

Tuesday, 4 July 2006

World Cup Things Galore: Part Two

Crikey, update frenzy.More YouTubed clips, this time of three World Cup themed adverts shown (as far as we know) in these full-length versions just the once.First, here's the full version of the Carlsberg Old English Internationals Wander About On A Pitch For Cash advert. Especially...

World Cup Things Galore: Part One

Welp, to celebrate the forthcoming Italy vs France (ahem) World Cup Final, here's a quick scan of a page from the TVTimes, circa 1978, and their meeting in the first group stage of the '78 World Cup. Why? Well, mainly because we've bought two issues of TVTimes dating from the...

Get Your Semi On (1)

In order to check every leak in the UK's World Cup broadcast pipe, BrokenTV (note to selves, think up a better metaphor for the previous statement), we've been listening to FiveLive's commentary of the Germany-Italy semi-final. Oh, alright. Due to accidentally agreeing to spend the duration of the Germany-Italy semi-final stuck in an office deep in...

BrokenTV's World Cup Final Countdown: T-4 days and counting

i.e. we've lost count of how many days since the start, so we're working backwards from the epic Germany 5 France 3 (just you wait) final.Seeing as we've had dozens of emails asking about the BBC's England Are Out compilation featuring the majestic sound of Numb by the mighty...

Sunday, 2 July 2006

More Platters From The YouTube Meat Trolley

Chicks on Speed - Glamour GirlExcellent disco-pop from the greatest German all-female electroclash band ever to write a song about Coventry.Robots in Disguise - Turn It UpThis looks like a typical YouTube 'some schoolgirls messing about to the sound of a song' offering, but...

Saturday, 1 July 2006

England are out! BrokenTV's World Cup Special Grief-O-Meter

BBC OneBBC's "Oh noes! England are out! Here's a retrospective of how they did" compilation is a really well-crafted piece of footage, featuring a splendid soundtrack of 'Numb' by the Pet Shop Boys. Gary didn't even make a weak joke leading into it, and Ian Wright was pretty quiet in the post-match postmortem (by his standards). A victory of sorts,...

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