Wednesday, 27 August 2008

The Next Big Eleven Year Old Thing

We've been on one of our semi-regular sessions of tidying up the teetering pile of old magazines in BrokenTV's spare bedroom. A curious flick through the August 1997 edition of Select magazine (cover stars: bloody Oasis, obviously) reveals this interesting objet d'jour (click...

Sunday, 24 August 2008

BrokenTV's Infuriatingly Lacklustre Olympic Finale

And so it ends. As China, a land where practising Christians may well end up being tortured for their beliefs, hands over the Olympic flag to London's unkempt mayor, we can't help but feel a little bit cheated. We will admit to a little chuckle amongst ourselves at the nine-minute...

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

BrokenTV Goes To The Olympics: Live From Beijing

You know, after that last post we made concerning the Olympics and the Chinese government, we felt pretty bad. After all, they're trying their best. Keeping a nation containing over one billion people under control can't be easy. Sure, they have to put the odd citizen or autonomous...

Sunday, 17 August 2008

BrokenTV's Infuriatingly Right-On Olympic Update

We weren't going to be doing anything about the Olympics. Partly because we're either sleeping or at work when most of it is happening, partly because we're pathetically liberal and the whole event is taking place in an oppressive regime. But then again, the eighty billionth...

Thursday, 14 August 2008

The Inevitably Disappointing Sequel To Really Popular Update Awards 1980

Given that our posting about Panini's Football '80 Sticker Album has proved surprisingly popular, attracting the attention of several popular internet forums (and just the one stupid racist prick - way to debunk that assumption that Everton fans are likely to be bigots, 'MarkEFC'*),...

Pretend Provocative Things Low-Ranking Talking Heads Say But Don't Really Believe On Clip Shows In Order To Momentarily Seem Interesting

Part one of a 2,697 part seriesClip Show: Call The Cops, a look back at police drama series on British televisionChannel: BBC FourDate: 12th August 2008Talking Head: Sam Delaney, "Writer" and "Broadcaster"Actual Link With Subject Covered By Programme: NonePretend Provocative...

Sunday, 10 August 2008

The New Season Starts Here*

(*Or started yesterday, and not really 'here' at all.)But never mind all that. We've bought an almost complete copy of Panini's Football '80 sticker album from a car boot sale. So, what better time to fire up our scanner and prepare a list ofTHE TOP TEN FOOTBALLERS FROM 1980...

Friday, 8 August 2008

Logo Police

The new channel identities for Skys One, Two and Three have been unveiled. And here they are.Oh dear. Admittedly, we spend a bit too long on this blog doing little more than just slagging off new 'developments' in television, but when it comes to these they'd better do something...

Thursday, 7 August 2008

I'm In Ur Teevee, Stealing Half An Hour Ov Ur Life

A couple of consequences of BrokenTV's (three frigging month old) PC deciding to go tits up. ONE. We've had to resort to using the ropey old laptop that we've just had back from the friend we'd borrowed it to. It's quite slow, it has a small screen, we've got to try and remember...

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