Friday, 27 July 2012

Twitter Just Got 8.34% Better…

…because offkilter animation pioneer John Krickfalusi is now on it. Purportedly. Though, slightly strangely using the @JohnKricfalusi1 non-de-twume, as the account name @JohnKricfalusi was already in use by, er, A mostly inactive account, with only six tweets ever,...

Thursday, 26 July 2012

LIST SPECIAL: The Fifty Most-Watched (and Least-Watched) TV Channels In The UK, 2012

Channel 4 have recently been running a series of programmes looking at mental disorders, and the stigma often unfairly attached to them. The most enjoyable of these so far was Tuesday night’s A LITTLE BIT OCD, where nowhere-near-as-popular-as-he-bloody-well-should-be comedian...

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

The Real, REAL Mad Men

WEIRDLY COMPELLING RETRO ARTHOUSE YOUTUBE OF THE DAY. Advertising has never BEEN so Madison Avenue-style weird, compelling, and dare we say it, educational as this. A 27-minute long pitch born from the brain of design legend Saul Bass, looking at a 1970 reimagining of the...

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Meanwhile, in Japan…

Michael from SPACE SHOWER TV on Vimeo....

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Nozin’ Aroun’ USA

LITTLE KNOWN FACT: You know the infamous Nozin’ Aroun’ show-within-a-show from The Young Ones? With a young Ben Elton telling us how it’ll be looking at the issues facing YOUNG ADULTS in the modern crazy world of 1982? Well, it was actually based on a Chicago public access...

Monday, 16 July 2012

What’s The Deal With Complete Stand-Up Sets Being Posted In Full On YouTube?

As God said on page 23 of The Bible, “it’s a crazy old world, eh?” When we posted five minutes from an early 1980s episode of World Of Sport on YouTube a few years back, it was yanked off by unseen powers citing copyright badness within weeks. Yet, when people throw complete...

Sunday, 15 July 2012

01-584 5313

Admittedly, if you’re in anyway interested in Python there’s a damn good chance you’ll have already seen this. But then, this is the kind of thing so good everyone in Britain should be made aware of it. So, here goes: SEVEN MINUTES OF MONTY PYTHON’S FLYING CIRCUS RUSHES. ...

Saturday, 14 July 2012

“Don’t Kiss Me With Your Silver Lip.”

The Bonzo Dog Band, performing at Belgium’s Bilzen Festival in 1969? Twenty-six-minutes-and-forty-nine seconds of it? Here you go: Sadly, no performance of “Rusty (Champion Thrust)”, which we – and seemingly no-one else on the planet – think is one of their best songs,...

Friday, 13 July 2012

Mad Dogs and Cricketers

Today’s LovelyFindFromYouTube™: Mad Dogs and Cricketers, a 1978 film about The Lord’s Taverners, a travelling cricket team of celebrities and former cricketers who would put on charity matches all over the world. Including the talents of John “Three Days In A Row On This Blog”...

Thursday, 12 July 2012

“For the last seven years, my wife’s mother has been to our house for Xmas. This year we’re going to let her in.”

Possibly not worth us going into too much detail on this, as we suspect it’ll disappear from Y’Tube before long, but here we have (in full) Les Dawson’s Christmas Box, Dawson’s hour-long Christmas special from 1974. It features Roy Barraclough, Kenny Ball and His Jazzmen,...

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

“How many American television executives does it take to change a light bulb?”

“Answer: ‘Does it have to be a light bulb?’.” As comedy-lovin’ kind of website, we’d heard several times during our teenage years about how John Cleese made a fortune from his company Video Arts, a firm specialising in making corporate training videos. With us being huge...

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Rings Around The World

Is this thing on? Hopefully, after the CATASTROPHIC failure of us scheduling posts properly the other day, our One Post Per Day Policy is now working properly and you’re reading this on Tuesday 10th July at, ooh, 7pm. If so: hello! We’re writing this four days ago. Did Andy...

Sound On (Sound On!) Vision On (Vision On!)

[Speaking of The Mike Sammes Singers – which we will in a few sentences – you could do a lot worse than pick up a copy of excellent TMSS collection Music For Biscuits. And reading publisher Trunk Records’ lovely piece on the great man’s work. “Fine Fare”, we’re sure you’ll...

Monday, 9 July 2012

Not Only Peter Cook, But Also Douglas Adams

Amazing to think that there are children growing up who are so young, they never even got to see Have I Got News For You when it was on BBC Two. All that they know is it being on BBC One, clips that were on YouTube months ago and jokes about Eric Pickles being fat*. Because...

Friend Of The Animal World

After we, erm, appropriated (okay, shamelessly nicked.) a cartoon of Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebilng from the website of top comedy mag Mustard yesterday, we got to reading their interview with Commander John Lloyd. In that interview, mention was made of the episode he co-wrote...

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Wonderful YouTube clip of the day: Monkhouse/Streeb-Greebling

[Image shamefully borrowed from Mustard magazine’s website. Go buy an issue now. NOW. We’ll wait.] HISTORY LESSON FOR YOUNGER VIEWERS: You know comedy ‘podcasts’, yeah? Where the likes of Richard Herring, Marc Maron, Aisha Tyler, Ken Plume or The Nerdist guys interview a...

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Baby (We Have Just) Got Back

Yeah, long time no post. Probably time to rectify that, though admittedly our limited amounts of free time and talent mean our in-depth coverage of important affairs might not appear too often just yet. But, we’re going to try and do at least one update PER DAY for as long...

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