Friday, 30 May 2008

How The Almost Mighty Have Fallen

Back in December 2007, in our end of year awards, we proclaimed as our Wallpaper TV Channel Of The Year, noting that it makes "a lovely diversion if you're awake near a television on a Sunday morning". Nestled comfortably on Sky channel 144 (just next to BBC HD), it...

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Eurovision Blog: LIVE!

[8pm] We're off to a good start, with the BBC making an on-air apology about last year's Making Your Mind Up, and the lack of money given to charity at the time. It looks superb in HDTV.Confluence of Sound is this year's title, it seems. The show kicks off with a woman singing...

The Big BrokenTV Eurovision Preview Show. With Nipples.

Here's a confession for you. In much the same way we've never watched any of the Star Wars trilogy all of the way through (and you'd be surprised how many people get genuinely annoyed when we tell them that), we've never watched an annual Eurovision from start to finish. Well, later on today (i.e. Saturday, as that's what it technically is), we plan...

Thursday, 22 May 2008

My Philosophy Like HDTV / Is All There in Black and White

Speaking as disgruntled Sky+ customers frantically spending every free moment watching everything on our planner before we cancel our contract (because if you want to watch your recordings when not subscribing, you have to give Sky a tenner a month, even if the programmes were...

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

EURO 2008: Homoerotic Website Of The Day

Here's a riff we can run with for quite a while. Liverpool have just signed Swiss international Philipp Degen from Borussia Dortmund on a free transfer. So far, so Jan Kromkamp, you might be saying. But! Philipp and his twin brother David share the quite magnificent Degen Brothers...

Monday, 19 May 2008

A New Service From Broken Industries

Inspired by the Lovefilm subscription we're a week and a half into, we've decided to employ a new method of updating the blog. All to serve YOU, the customer. Here's how our new service, LoveBrokenTV is going to operate.STAGE ONEYou give us your credit card number. Don't worry,...

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Almost Beyond Parody

Ah, nuts. And we were so looking forward to it. As far as we're concerned, the glittery slickness that simply has to be applied to network programming in the US really works against it here. From the trailer, which of course should have a clear objective of encapsulating the entire series in a ninety-second snapshot, it simply doesn't look 'dated'...

Friday, 9 May 2008

EPG Week: Day Four

First things first, anyone who'd read yesterday's update (as opposed to just muttering "Christ, are they still on about EPGs" and moving on to B3TA or something) might want to take note of the correction we've made. It turns out that Paul Dacre is wrong, and that the BBC aren't...

Thursday, 8 May 2008

EPG Week: Day Three

Must... maintain... interest in... ill-considered running... theme... [deep breath]EPG FOUR: BBC iPLAYER ON XBOX MEDIA CENTREHere's something that makes us wish our (original, modded) Xbox wasn't broken. Ah, the folly of dicking around with your default.xbe file*. A custom script...

Wednesday, 7 May 2008


After mentioning the Humax HDR 9300FS yesterday, BrokenTV temporarily rocketed to the top of the Google rankings for it (we're now second). Mainly because at the time of writing, there are only eight hits for it. That's up from four yesterday. This is something somebody really,...

EPG Week: Day Two

Previously on EPG Week: the sexily graphical-interfaced (at least if you've got a Humax box) Freesat has been launched. We're almost tempted to speculate about possibly getting one (although as the standard HD box has no recording functionality, you can kiss goodbye to watching...

Comment Is Almost Free

After a short hiatus after yesterday's flood of spam, the making of comments is now available again. For a short period, comments will be moderated (just in case devilish spam-robots are at work). All being well, moderation will be lifted soon enou...

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Shove Your Güvenlik Kamerası

Regrettably, the posting of comments for people who aren't us has been temporarily halted, due to a flurry of spam attacks emanating from Turkey. Hopefully, we can put things back to normal tomorrow.Interesting facts about Turkey Which Are Unrelated To The Spam Attacks We Are Currently Battling Bravely Against: Part One of a One Part SeriesThere is...

It's EPG Week!

So, Freesat has launched, which has got us pretty excited. Not because we've now got the option of spending about another £200 to see their EXCLUSIVE carriage of ITV HD - heck no. The only thing that'd be worth watching on HD on ITV would be Champions League football, and there's...

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