Saturday, 31 January 2009


We promised, and for once, we've delivered. The 'missing' Richard Massingham film has now been uploaded to YouTube, meaning the internet has subsequently been improved by 6.2% (we'll assume the lack of comments from excited Massingham fans after our last update is due to a fault...

Thursday, 29 January 2009

"It's no good thinking you can have a sleep, or eat your dinner."

We've had the lovely Charley Says: Volume 2 DVD running in the background this evening, and it's jam-packed with Massingham magic. There was even one we've not seen before, telling post-war Britons to only use five inches of water in their bathtubs - cue Richard Massingham with...

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

This is a different thing, it's spontaneous and it's called (T)wit(ter)

Despite ourselves, we're still obsessed by Twitter. In fact, it's our brand new favourite thing ever that we'll be bored of by the end of next month. You could say that the entire thing is basically a free help desk where famous people can have an army of geeks solve their technological...

Monday, 26 January 2009

Big Brother 2009: A Half-Hearted Round Up

It's over, then.It seemed to be a lot shorter this year, although maybe that's just the lack of an horribly drawn-out festival of bullying from Jade Goody, Jo O'Thingy and racism's Danielle Lloyd (interesting how the person who actually said the most racist thing from that whole...

Brevity Is The Soul Of (T)wit(ter)

While it might not be immediately obvious from the half-baked meandering that gets posted up here, the BrokenTV gang actually form dozens of searingly insightful and witty opinions about television every single day. Until now, there's been no way to get those opinions from the inside of our skulls to the internet, because we've been busy with the day...

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Film 2009

A film that has a pivotal scene set in the LWT canteen has been nominated for Best Picture at this year's Oscars. That is an excellent fact, and of course Frost/Nixon is a very good film, even if it does also include John Birt's bare arse. Even more exciting is the trailer for another offering that invites the keywords Peter Morgan | Michael Sheen...

Friday, 23 January 2009

Incomprehensible Japanese TV Ratings Chart Promo From 1988 Of The Week

It's an international round-up of YouTube TV miscellanea!With (a) bad hip-hop samples, and (b) line charts. Quite why this is so compelling, we don't know.Ten years earlier, on the USA's Cablevision network, the most disturbing ident EVER is coupled with the Stateside version of Ceefax-On-View. "Q. What's the best way to turn people's heads? A. Go...

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Now: Then (Redux)

“Now That’s What I Call Music”, i.e. the first one, has recently been re-issued. And so, what better time could there possibly be for us to put up the director’s cut of the article BrokenTV’s Mark X wrote last year for Arena Magazine’s website. The article below is quite different...

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Robert Popper Has A Posse (Blog)

Robert Popper, of Look Around You, The Timewaster Letters and Tarvu fame, has started to do a blog. It's already off to a good start, including things such as the trailers for the forthcoming Adult Swim broadcasts of Look Around You, but what has most endeared us to his new site is the fact it was 'launched' with this embedded YouTube video:Yep, that's...


Picture from b3ta.A truly gifted artist and television presenter, no longer with us. Rest in pea...

Friday, 16 January 2009

"Almost As Popular as Ben Adams"

It's probably time we had a look at how our Celebrity Big Brother Fame-o-tron is shaping up. Or rather, the Ultimate CBB Fame-O-Tron Redux, because we've adapted it. We're still counting up the current Wikipedia wordcounts for each of the contestants, but now we're factoring...

We Should Be Better Than This

It's too obvious. It's too easy. It's tantamount to grabbing a toddler's painting of a house, and roaring into their tiny confused faces about how rubbish the brushwork is, and how they haven't even got a rudimentary grasp of perspective for flip's sake. Ah, what the heck.RETURN...

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

An Expert Writes

As may have become clear to anyone having stumbled over this blog, we're hardly experts when it comes to assorted matters televisual. Some might say, as a blog based wholly on the medium of television, that might well be a bit of an Achilles heel, but we'd cheerily counter that...

Sunday, 11 January 2009

BrokenTV's Top Ten TVTimes Genre Icons Of The 1970s

We're going to say something which is going to both shock and amaze you. Brace yourselves. It seems that on the entire internet, which is supposedly the greatest collection of human knowledge in the history of mankind, there's not a single website collecting together the programme...

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Faux-Fury Fun With The Fourth Estate

As the Beeb LURCHES from SCANDAL to CALAMITY to PUNCHING SPARROWS IN THEIR TINY BEAKY FACES, it's time to unveil our annual new idea. There are so many tabloid headlines screaming sentences beginning with "BBC SLAMMED BY (x)", there really needs to be some sort of scale. After...

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Weak Headline Pun Along The Lines Of "Bluey-Ray Player" Goes Here

Here's how BrokenTV's Mark X's brain works. He sat down at 6pm to start writing about the 'rights based approach' to business ethics, and then to complete two vastly overdue assignments for college, after having had all Christmas to do so. After 'just quickly having a look at...

Friday, 2 January 2009

Celebrity Big Brother 2009 Live Blog!

Happy new year, everyone! We've been a bit quiet recently, as we've been working on The Big BrokenTV Awards for 2008, so what better time to break our silence than on the launch of Celebrity Big Brother 2009? Live Blog ahoy! Refresh for updates.[20.57] First thing we've noticed...

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