Well, it had some nice ideas. Plus, it mentioned (a) The Goodies, and (b) the fact one of the cast looks a bit like a fat Rik Mayall. But! We didn’t actually laugh once, and the musical number came over like Flight Of The Conchords without the production values. Pity, we were...
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Sunday, 26 July 2009
BrokenTV: 1, The Man: Nil (Agg score, BrokenTV: 1, The Man: 3,456)
Way back in 2006 we posted a few YouYube videos of Public Information Films starring the legendary Richard Massingham. All has been well since, with thousands of interested viewers dipping into the comedic genius-pool of Mr Massingham. They were so popular in fact, that even...
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Flaylist Update
The ‘Flaylist’ of course being our collaborative Spotify bad cover version playlist that anyone can add tracks to. Here are today’s new tracks, forwarded by our excellent readers. Paul Anka – It’s A Sin Now, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of loungecore when handled...
Monday, 20 July 2009
The BrokenTV Spotify Flaylist
We’re still hugely addicted to Spotify. So much so in fact, we’ve taken the rare step of unlocking the BrokenIndustries wallet and paying for a premium subscription to it. Shocking, we know. While there are thousands utterly brilliant things on there, a great deal of satisfaction...
Sunday, 19 July 2009
How To Be Afraid Of Everything
Not content with putting up as many as several updates a month (some of them not lazily-linked YouTube videos) to BrokenTV, we’ve started a new blog. How To Be Afraid Of Everything. Dot Com. A cheery glance at how modern events, objects and practices are all transpiring to destroy...
Izzard in Brick Form
These are very nice indeed. Representations of classic Izzard routines, visualised through the medium of Lego.Death Star CanteenCake or Death(Pop fact! Lee "Some Velvet Morning" Hazlewood's final album, put together when he knew he was terminally ill, was named "Cake Or Death" after this routine.)Do You Have a Flag?Supermarkets and TrolleysLate Night...
Monday, 13 July 2009
Next Time, The Winner Could Be: You
We’re going to spend too much time this week playing this:(How we did - Q1: Wrong, Q2: Right, Q3: Realised we’d pressed the wrong button just after selecting ‘A’. We’ve got better at it since.) 1 vs 100 on Xbox Live. Massively multiplayer online quizzing fest, with UK-only and Europe-only flavours. It’s free to play if you’ve got an Xbox Live Gold...
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Well, you try coming up with a workable pun from the name of Channel Four’s streaming video service. We haven’t even seen Superman II in about fifteen years, we’re taking that reference from the kitchen advert in Newstopia. ANYWAY, much of Channel Four’s archive programming...
Friday, 10 July 2009
Yes, We (s)Can Part II: "The New Richard Digance"

Our trawl through the big plastic tub of 90s ephemera continues with a few choice cuts from the criminally not-quite-popular-enough-to-be-commercially-viable TV magazine The Box.We've mentioned that magazine before on here, but as the images from that earlier update don't work...
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Yes, We (s)Can.

More jpegged gems from the archive, this time from the first issue of short-lived Comedy Review magazine. All from March 1996.[Update: Picture hosting now moved to xs.to, hopefully removing the chance of images sometimes redirecting to porn sites instead. Erm, sorry about that....
Monday, 6 July 2009
The Michael McIntyre Appeal 2009
"Hey! Y'know when you're not wearing a watch, and someone asks you the time, and you look where your watch would be!!!? Eh!!!? Don't we all just do that!!!?" NO, WE HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER DO THAT. WE KNOW WHEN WE ARE AND WHEN WE ARE NOT WEARING A WATCH, AND NO-ONE EVER...
Sunday, 5 July 2009
"Bob's deodorant smells of suet." (Some old scanned articles.)

We haven't done this for a while. Here are a few scanned articles from Loaded circa 1997. Despite the magazine currently being "Soft Pornography-Lite For People Too Scared To Actually Buy Actual Pornography", it used to be a worthwhile read. Click the images for larger versions.Soccer...