Wednesday, 5 November 2008

CNN Declare Obama President of the USA

This is probably quite big news. There are certainly around a million people in Chicago getting quite excited about that on our television right now. Paddy Power have already stopped taking bets on it, so it's entirely fair to say they beat CNN to the punch.

In all seriousness, even though it's messed up an update we'd half-written about something more trivial (BBC News putting out a report in the wrong aspect ratio and a now out of date chart of current projections), this is genuinely up there with man landing on the moon and D-Day in the annals of history. Whatever annals actually are. We're quite pleased. And not just because we could now go to bed. It's probably time to start drinking. And how often can you legitimately say that at 4am?

1 .:

Anonymous said...

Technically it's not over until one of the networks posts "BARACK OBAMA SHOT DEAD OUTSIDE SAMUEL L JACKSON'S HOUSE."

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