Sunday, 31 January 2010

BrokenTV’s THTSOT 00s: Numbers 12 and 11

A double update! Little-known media fact: Osbourne’s Big Book Of Lazy Television Commercial Stereotypes is referred to constantly by every advertising agency in the land. Sure, they’ll try and claim the book doesn’t even exist, and some idiot is making the whole thing up, but...

Friday, 29 January 2010

BrokenTV’s THTSOT 00s: Slight Return

You remember our “Top 100 TV Shows Of The 00s”? You know, that never ending televisual breakdown that we’re still carrying out, currently scheduled to conclude some time in early November 2019? And how we said that Newswipe With Charlie Brooker was better than Screenwipe? Yeah. Well, it’s things like this that underline that decision: Proof there,...

BrokenTV’s THTSOT 00s: Number 13

Sheer brilliant, demented, hilarious surrealism. Don’t see that on telly much nowadays, do you? It’s an industry that Britain used to lead the world in, what with Spine Millington’s Q, Monty Python, utterly brilliant yet criminally never released on VHS or DVD 70s LWT show End...

Thursday, 28 January 2010

BrokenTV’s THTSOT 00s: Number 14

Sometimes, revelations can creep up and completely donkey-punch you straight in the brain. For example, you’re playing Guitar Hero, frenzied fingers becoming at one with the funny shapes moving down the screen as the sound of Silversun Pickups spills out of your TV speakers....

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

BrokenTV’s THTSOT 00s: Number 15

Maybe it’s just our Flag Of Saint David-tinted monocle, but it seems like for much of last decade, when it came to regionally produced or commissioned programmes going out nationally on the BBC, the majority of big hitters have been from BBC Wales. Alongside Doctor Who and Torchwood,...

Thursday, 21 January 2010

NEW! From NBC and CBS Games!

Click for the full-size version.   Notes: made with the assistance of F4C Design’s DVD Case Template and Trekkie313’s Microphone png at Deviant Art, the Nightmare Hero font, Appledaily Action News’ report on ‘Showdown at NBC’, and too much bloody spare time....

An Official Announcement From BrokenTV HQ

  This blog is officially supporting Team Conan. Partly because the whole affair makes it feel a little bit like The Larry Sanders Show never actually finished, just that Conan O’Brien took over the role of the titular chat show host. If you get the chance, we’d implore...

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

A Largely Pointless Chart, And Celebrity Big Brother Around The World. Also, The Big Brother That Never Was

[Note: This is one of those updates we’re a bit disappointed with. However, there is quite an interesting bit right at the end, so if you start to get bored, skip along there instead.] When we started the already fairly pointless process of tracking the word counts of the Wikipedia...

BrokenTV’s THTSOT 00s: Number 16

  As the bafflingly popular multiple shitgasm that is the [Genre] Movie series proves, parody is very difficult to do successfully for anything longer than, ooh, about four minutes. This is especially true when the thing you’re cocking a whimsical snook at is pretty much...

Sunday, 17 January 2010

BrokenTV’s THTSOT 00s: Number 17

The Showbiz Set was a wonderful look back through the golden age of British television, the bitter battle between the BBC and ITV. and the footsoldiers on either side. Starting with the launch of ITV in 1955 and ending with the death of Eric Morecambe in 1984, the series looked...

Friday, 15 January 2010

BrokenTV’s THTSOT 00s: Number 18

Bleakness. Bleakness, modest living and a creeping sense of ennui offset by bouts of bloody-minded misanthropy. Not just the central tenets of our day to day life, but also the hallmarks of many great British situation comedies – Rising Damp, Hancock, Filthy, Rich & Catflap,...

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Good Old Fashioned Satire, Like What HIGNFY Used To Make

No update to the top 100 today – we got distracted by Liverpool trying to do just enough to sneak through with a slender lead only to bugger it up late on, for about the tenth time this season. Instead here’s a link to, which does nothing but display spoof...

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

BrokenTV’s THTSOT 00s: Number 19

  While it might sound like a Stateside remake of Shameless at first glance, those unfortunate enough not to be familiar with My Name Is Earl might be surprised to discover that it’s the finest example of the ‘feelgood’ (hngh) sitcom to come out of the USA over the last...

Monday, 11 January 2010

Celebrity Big Brother TrendMining (Day 7)

Well, if the betting community are anywhere near the money, it’s farewell to Katia: Slight recovery after she ditched Basshunter. As for the other nominees: Heidi slips from the 40s to 60, not a big shock. While Sov should definitely be safe. We really ought to have laid...

BrokenTV’s THTSOT 00s: Number 20

After a slight delay for having to work out why our PC was performing about as smoothly as an overclocked Spectrum +2A (now fixed), into the top twenty we gallop.Now, when it comes to the drama shows that are on this list, we do have a habit of cooing coquettishly over shows...

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